あたかも、そこで部屋のなかをぐるぐる回るように、iPadのパノラマビューアプリで部屋の中を様々な角度から見ることが出来る。iPadの持つ傾きセンサーを使用し、左右に傾けることで歩きまわるように体験出来るのだ。スパークラボ(Spark Labs http://www.sparklabs.com/app_detail.php?id=1)によって開発された新しいアプリで実現されている。
From the waterfront patio of a 12,500-square-foot Snell Isle mansion, real estate agent Eileen Bedinghaus gives visitors a tour — on the screen of her iPhone. Point down, and you see the floor of a room inside. Move the phone left, right or up, and the panoramic image slides in that direction. Anything you want to see in the house is accessible on the screen, whenever you want to see it and for however long you care to look. But it's not just houses. You can see 360-degree views of new vehicle interiors and hotel rooms around the world. And you can watch them from anywhere.
It's done through a new app called Tour Wrist, developed by Spark Labs in Tampa's Ybor City. Since it debuted on Apple's App Store last month, more than 30,000 iPhone and iPad users have downloaded the free app, Spark Labs chief executive Charles Armstrong said. Armstrong, 29, talked Thursday with the Times about his business model, how the app might help future crime scene investigators and the Next Big Thing in mobile technology:
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