E.L.S.E. experiments with RoboShoe 3D Configurator: HoloLens, MR & AR Customer Experience from ELSE Corp on Vimeo.
HoloLens Experiments, powered by E.L.S.E. from ELSE Corp on Vimeo.
Episode 1: Holo-Hunting with "Shoekemon"
This is an experiment being developed as a sort of interactive game where the user goes 'hunting' for holograms shoes hidden around a physical space.
Episode 2: ELSE Corp x Virtual Boutique
Here the user is introduced to the E.L.S.E. Virtual Boutique where all elements are holograms and they can configure the product using gestures.
This video was a preview of ELSE Corp's (else-corp.com) in-development, #VRxVR fork project from their E.L.S.E. technology API framework (https://www.else-corp.com/technology), using Microsoft's HoloLens, shown at Microsoft Forum 2017.