The application opens the camera’s phone, and connects to a business intelligence server to get information about the customer businesses closest to the current location. This information is shown in the small radar screen in the top right, and an icon for each customer is shown on the screen. As the phone moves, the icons appear to stay in one place, hovering over the physical location of that customer’s building. Each icon indicates the customer’s sales performance (the arrow direction shows the trend, the color indicates whether or not sales have reached my target or not). The size of the icon indicates roughly how near or far the office is. The application automatically highlights the location closest to the center of the display, and shows more information about that business (name, distance, photo, current and previous sales, and sales target)
SAPが、現実の空間にデジタル情報を重ね合わせて表示する「拡張現実(Augmented Reality:AR)」について、ビジネスアプリケーション分野での応用を考えている。 SAP Web 2.0ブログで、同社エバンジェリストTimo Elliott氏は、LayarとSAP BusinessObjects OnDemandの両プラットフォームを組み合わせて開発したプログラムを、GoogleのNexus One上で走らせるという取り組みを紹介した。
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