Grazia (グラツィア)の読者は、Florence Welch(フィレンツェウェルチ)が彼女のヒットソング 'You've got the love' をウェブカメラかアイフォンを使用して3Dで見ることが出来るとのこと。また、Bauer Media weekly (バウアーメディア週刊誌)の読者はARを通して360度におけるスプリングのファッション傾向を見ることが出来るようだ...。
LONDON - Grazia, the fashion glossy, is releasing an augmented reality 3D issue tomorrow (23 March), with Florence and The Machine virtually singing and dancing from the front cover.
Grazia readers can hold up the cover of the issue to a webcam or iPhone to watch Florence Welch perform her hit song 'You've got the love' in 3D.Readers of the Bauer Media weekly title will also be able to view spring's fashion trends in 360 degrees via AR, and there is a demonstration of how to apply this season's "smoky eye" make-up.
via MediaWeek