本や小説の情報と位置情報を関係させるサービスを先日考えついたが...既にイギリスでは行われていた。デザイン代理店 KentLyons を開始した ロンドンの書籍の情報を取得する iPhoneとiPod touch用3GSユーザーのための拡張現実アプリ。無料のiPhoneアプリケーションでロンドンの豊かな文学遺産を探索訪問できる。
Design agency KentLyons has launched Get London Reading for iPhone and iPod touch with added augmented reality for 3GS users. The free iPhone application aims to get Londoners and those visiting the capital exploring London’s rich literary heritage.
The app for the Get London Reading Campaign, run by the Booktrust, comes with augmented reality, available on just a handful of iPhone offerings.“The augmented reality application is beautifully simple, yet inspiring,” KentLyons said in announcing Get London Reading. “Hold up your iPhone on any London street and a floating book cover will appear of any novels that are based, or mention in the area you are in. For instance, if you are standing on Baker Street, any number of the iconic Arthur Conan Doyles’ Sherlock Holmes titles will appear on the street view.“