アムステルダムで生まれたLayar は、今月6月で1才を迎える。
An update to the iPhone version of Layar Reality Browser is coming soon.The company also wants developers to be able to make money from the software, co-founder Maarten Lens-FitzGerald, said in an interview.
Layar’s smartphone software—which includes a free iPhone app—uses GPS, a compass, an accelerometer and a visual display recorded by the phone’s camera. It overlays the display with relevant information or annotations, called layers, on the display. The layers can, for example, show visitors in Berlin where the Berlin Wall was located, give directions to the nearest restaurant or show apartments that are for sale.
“We have come very far in a short period, but we are still only at the beginning of all the possibilities that people can use augmented reality for,” said Lens-FitzGerald, who is convinced that the technology will eventually make it into everybody’s life.
via Apple World