Docomoの次世代携帯端末にはAR機能が標準で付いてきそうだから、目が離せないのはもちろんだが、世界的にもARは今後外せない機能になるだろう。あのGoogleが本腰入れて、Google Goggles' を認識機能に使用したARサービスを提供する可能性も非常に高い。Androidのタブレットは確実にシェアをのばすことだろう。
Nokia is bullish on augmented reality as well. Its Point & Find interface uses object-recognition technology to help mobile users find services in their area. And Google is likely to be an AR proponent too. Its Google Goggles visual-search Android app recognizes landmarks, artwork, books, products, and other items in the physical world. While Goggles' current skills may be rudimentary, the application shows a lot of potential and could evolve into an AR tool.
For augmented reality to go mainstream, cameras must become standard across all mobile devices--a development that's well underway. AR could get a big boost when Apple' iPad adds front and rear cameras, an upgrade that could arrive within months
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