このブログは、拡張現実 及び 仮想現実 が使用された最新の情報と事例などを掲載しています。---This blog publishes latest information and the case where AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) are used, etc.
Spotlight talks with Emily Sturman of the Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh about Click!Online, a web-based augmented reality game for adolescent girls that teaches science, math and technology.
Click!Online recently won a Learning Lab award for innovation in digital media as part of the 2010 Digital Media and Learning Competition.
At the Click! Agency, a fictional online spy school , girls entering 6th, 7th and 8th grades work together to solve mysteries related to biomedical science, environmental protection and expressive technologies.
Participants collaborate in a science-based social network and use virtual laboratories combined with real world inquiry to solve challenges. In the case of the perplexing peach, for example, one of the Pittsburgh stealers has fallen mysteriously ill. Girls must examine case files of patients, figure out how to extract their own DNA, and visit the Del Monte peach processing plant to uncover the source of the mysterious illness.
Ten projects received awards for innovation in digital media and learning last week as part of the third annual HASTAC/ MacArthur Digital Media and Learning Competition. Winners in the competition's 21st Century Learning Lab Designers category gathered in Washington, D.C. in conjunction with National Lab Day. Spotlight was there to talk with winners about their projects.
"Here we get to say: 'What to you want to create? What do you want to say to the world about your app?' said Leshell Hatley whose winning project Youth AppLab introduces android application development to African American and Latino high school students in Washington D.C.
"As much as the subject matter is about science," said HASTAC co-founder Cathy Davidson of the Learning Lab Category, "the method is about inquiry, exciting curiosity, and teaching people how to work together."