このブログは、拡張現実 及び 仮想現実 が使用された最新の情報と事例などを掲載しています。---This blog publishes latest information and the case where AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) are used, etc.
This is me controlling a bunch of lamps and a computer monitor with an HTC Desire running my application.
I used the Qualcomm AR SDK for the Augmented Reality part of the app. The home automation system is digitalSTROM.
This app is part of my bachelor thesis I'm doing at the School of Informatics, Communications and Media in Hagenberg, Upper Austria.
The text seen at the end reads:
This application is based on the ImageTargets and Dominoes sample applications of the QCAR SDK. It uses the AChartEngine library by 4ViewSoft. Designed and developed by Matthias Braun. Mobile Computing 5th term. Hagenberg 2011. (via YouTube)