There are considerably a lot of enhancing reality applications that enjoy the constellation. Star Walk being offered in iPhone version to be able to see constellation with AR. The iPad2 edition seems to have been released along with the sale of iPad2. The how to make things enjoyable and exciting will change if it is iPad with a large-scale screen where the camera adheres though it was a small screen up to now, too. It is possible to enjoy it by at least two people. The distance with the lover will be able to be shortened. Is only it also useful enough?
星座を楽しむ拡張現実アプリケーションは結構多い。iPhone版で提供されていた、ARで星座を見ることが出来る Star Walk。iPad2の発売に伴い、iPad2版もリリースされたようだ。今までは小さい画面だったけど、カメラが付いた大型画面のiPadなら、楽しみ方も変わるだろう。少なくとも2人で楽しめる。恋人との距離を縮める事もできるだろう。それだけも十分役に立つかも。

We’re huge fans of Vito Technologies’ Star Walk products here at MacStories: winner of an Apple Design Award in June 2010 and released on the Mac under the “Solar Walk” brand a few months ago, Star Walk is an incredible product that enables you to explore the universe (stars, constellations, planets, satellites) with swipes and taps thanks to iOS multitouch integration.
Star Walk for iPad is
available at $4.99 in the App Store. The iPhone version is available at $0.99
(vai Federico Viticci )