このブログは、拡張現実 及び 仮想現実 が使用された最新の情報と事例などを掲載しています。---This blog publishes latest information and the case where AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) are used, etc.
BrightCom, CEO Bob McCandless talks via video conferencing about his attendance to the 2011 event: Era of Experience produced by ImmersiveTech.org.
Mr. McCandless discusses the keynote speakers, panelists and topics including augmented reality for the entertainment industry. He also explains how events like these help drive the telepresence and video conferencing industry.
In the video, Mr. McCandless demonstrates the ClearView Desktop Video Conferencing system powered by the software driven Visual Collaboration system. He is able to visually communicate and collaborate through document sharing and web browsing among other features.