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    Etsuji Kameyama (亀山悦治)


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    NFCや位置情報とAR(拡張現実)技術を融合した新しい方式は、果たして消費者のためのサービスになるだろうか? 興味深いイベントが開催される。

    Event Description:

     Near Field Communications (NFC), Geo-location services, and augmented reality (AR) are disrupting the consumer shopping experience while increasing sales and margins for brick and mortar retailers.

    Putting interested buyers in front of relevant shelves at local stores is a huge monetizable opportunity for mobile platforms.  400,000 new Android devices are enabled each day, 60-70M phones are shipping with NFC this year alone and 15% of Tier 1 retailers are integrating mobile e-commerce platforms. Come discover how start ups in mobile are making shopping a whole lot smarter. 

    The panel will discuss a whole host of challenges and opportunities in the mobile retail space including:

    • How does a 20% conversion-rate for brick and mortar retail stores, (compared to 3-5% max online)create an opportunity for new companies?
    • Will consumers welcome or fear new shopping features?
    • Does the type of product or the market impact the preferred buying experience?
    • In the world of augmented shopping via mobile devices, will we see a shift away from online commerce?
    • Is mainstream NFC penetration at critical mass yet? What other technologies will emerge to supplement the platform and empower elements of the ecosystem?  What will be the impact on commerce?
    According to Morgan Stanley, the growth curve for the mobile Internet is twelve times as steep as that of desktop Internet when it was introduced. Sixty to 70 million mobile phones are shipping with near field communication (NFC) enabled this year. Retailers are getting on board with recent mobile e-commerce technologies, as the conversion rate for brick-and-mortar sales is 20 percent, compared to only three to five percent online: indications we are seeing the beginning of a new environment for offline shopping via mobile-enabled virtual-to-physical commerce.

    (via & more http://gigaom.com/2011/06/17/beyond-bricks-and-clicks-smart-phones-smart-shopping/)

    (event info http://www.vlab.org/article.html?aid=415)
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