Hyper(reality) - Geffrye Museum from Maxence on Vimeo.
Hyper(reality) - The Last Tuesday Society from Maxence on Vimeo.
(via http://www.fastcodesign.com/1664609/hyperreality-helmet-uses-kinect-to-create-an-out-of-body-experience)Maxence Parache's experimental augmented-reality system lets you detach your point of view from your body. We take our first-person visual perspective for granted every second of the day -- we have to, because our eyeballs are attached to our heads. But what if you could detach your personal "camera angle" at any moment and float away from your own body while still inhabiting it, like an on-demand out-of-body experience? Designer Maxence Paranche has created the next best thing in his HyperReality system, which uses a Microsoft Kinect to scan your physical environment and display it inside a virtual-reality helmet, so you can rotate the visual angle any way you like.