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    Etsuji Kameyama (亀山悦治)


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    今朝のAR関連トップニュースは、ドイツmetaioが提供する ARブラウザー "junaio" のバージョンアップだ。3.0へのバージョンアップにより、QR-code(2次元バーコード)の読取りが可能となった。画像認識、位置情報(GPSベース)、LLAマーカー認識(屋内位置情報補佐)に加え、QRcodeの読取りが可能になったことは、素晴らしい。今回のバージョンアップにより利用範囲が広がることは間違いないだろう。

    -Article of  ubergizmo


    Junaio is one of the top augmented reality mobile browsers out there; the two most famous competitors areWikitude and Layar. Today, metaio, the developer behind the application, is releasing Junaio 3.0 with a key feature labeled “Scan The world”. It allows users to scan anything from pictures to bar codes or QR codes and get information about it from Junaio’s channels – note that the objects or images scanned have to be stored in the Junaio database in order to provide interaction with users.

    (via & more ubergizmo http://www.ubergizmo.com/2011/08/junaio-3-0/ )

    -Article of TNW

    Thought it was pretty cool that your phone can scan QR codes and barcodes using just your camera? Or that it can recognize a book or CD cover? With Junaio your iPhone’s camera just got a little bit cooler.We covered augmented reality browser, Junaio when it first launched in 2009, as it developed, and expanded to include the iPad 2 as a supported device.In its latest incarnation, Junaio 3.0 is combining augmented reality with image recognition, meaning not only can you now scan QR codes and barcodes, you can also scan images using the app.

    Speaking about the latest version, Peter Meier, metaio’s CTO said:

    “Junaio 3.0 takes us further towards our vision of making the “Augmented World” around us come alive in every sense. We are using the very objects around us as markers to get virtual information. Just point the camera and scan it. This could be a famous painting in a museum showing how the artist created his master piece, or a simple box of breakfast cereals starting an entertaining AR game for our children.”

    (via & moreTNW http://thenextweb.com/apps/2011/08/29/augmented-reality-browser-junaio-wants-you-to-scan-the-world-with-its-latest-upgrade/ )

    -Article of Mabertech 

    Junaio, the mobile Augmented Reality browser created by German AR firm Metaio, has been updated this morning: Version 3.0 now supports scanning barcodes. Some of you are probably thinking “Whoop-dee-doo, every app can scan barcodes nowadays.” And you’re right; it’s not really a big deal in that sense. When you consider Junaio’s capability at advanced image recognition, using it to scan 1D and 2D QR codes is kind of like using a bazooka to shoot an arrow.

    (via & more  Mabertech http://www.mabertech.net/junaio-3-0-mobile-ar-browser-update-now-scans-barcodes-too)

    -Article of fastcompany
    Can Life Be As Browsable As The Web? Augmented Reality Outfit Metaio Thinks So BY KIT EATONToday

    Metaio just transformed its Junaio Augmented Reality browser into a highly useful tool. Its new Scan function recognizes a range of real things--from pictures to QR codes to product barcodes--so it can supply extra info to its users about what it's looking at. This suggests a near future wherein everything from product demos to store offers could be delivered using AR.

    Junaio's 3.0 release is a big transformation for the software--it included limited object recognition powers for about a year, but the new system is far more sophisticated. As well as relying on the usual AR sensor suite of GPS (to tell the software where the smartphone is on the planet), compass, and gyros to work out what angle the phone's camera is looking, it also uses feature tracking to give it a better idea of the objects in its field of view. As long as one of Junaio's channels or databases or the platforms of its developer partners has information on the object, it'll pop up on screen.

    (via & more  fastcompany http://www.fastcompany.com/1776893/augmented-reality-outfit-junaio-aims-at-a-sci-fi-future-with-object-recognition?partner=gnews)

    Wikitude - Geolocalización y Realidad Aumentada a lo fácil #AR #Wikitude HOME 喫煙者へ警告する拡張現実アプリ - #Augmented reality app illustrates damage to smokers’ lungs
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