To initiate the scavenger hunt for the Motorola Droid Bionic, Verizon has made an app that use augmented reality technology to allow ‘hunters’ to find clues, depending on their locations, in order to find Bionic phones. The app’s name is ‘Droid Bionic ARena‘ and is now available at the Market. In addition to winning the Bionic, participants can also win 40-inch LED HDTVs, Laptops, Xoom tablets and video-streaming Quadcopters. Four winners will be announced daily and the contest is going to start September 4 and end on September 7 and you must be 18 or older to participate. If you would like to learn about the rules of this hunt, check out the galley below and don’t forget to watch the video as well. We also included the links to the Droid Bionic ARena app as well. With the contest ending on September 7, we can safely say that the Bionic will release on September 8.