(via http://peacelogs.com/augmented-reality-for-crisis-mapping-and-humanitarian-response/)Could we leverage Augmented Reality (AR) apps for Crisis Mapping? I’ve been thinking about this question for a while but finally decided to experiment after bumping into Autonomy here at the IPI World Congress in Taipei. The company has a free AR app called Aurasma, which basically lets the user create their own AR action. So I gave it a spin, figuring that if people could animate the odd T-Rex splish-splashing in the Bay Area, there might also be some humanitarian applications worth exploring.
Autonomy’s AR app is available for the iPhone, iPad and the Android. What is especially neat is that you can cache the AR data and therefore use the app off-line, always a plus for crisis response. I experimented by using: (1) the amazing Humanitarian OpenStreetMap animated video of Haiti, (2) Internews’s excellent humanitarian technology report on Dadaab (a must read), and (3), a printout of WalkingPapers for some location in California.