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    Etsuji Kameyama (亀山悦治)


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    イリノイ大学アーバナシャンペーン校の Kevin Karsch, Varsha Hedau, David Forsyth そして Derek Hoiemは、正確なライティングモデルを生成する新しい画像合成のアルゴリズムを開発した。それは既存の光-推定法に基づいて構築するジオメトリを使用し、レンダリングソフトウェアの任意の型で動作できると研究者は説明する。シーンのジ​​オメトリと被写界深度を分解し、高速でかつ細かい計算により光源と反射の情報を反映させているようだ。

    Software Seamlessly Inserts New Objects Into Existing Photographs

    Real vs. Fake Images A new, ultra-realistic object insertion method automatically accounts for lighting. via Kevin Karsch

    A simple programming tool can build a model of a scene in a two-dimensional photograph and insert a realistic-looking synthetic object into it. Unlike other augmented reality programs, it doesn’t use any tags, props or laser scanners to model a scene’s geometry — it just uses a small number of markers and accounts for lighting and depth. The result is an augmented scene with proper perspective, which looks so realistic that testers could not distinguish between an original photo and a modified one.

    With just a single image and some annotation by a user, the program creates a physical model of a scene, as demonstrated in the video below.

    Kevin Karsch, Varsha Hedau, David Forsyth and Derek Hoiem at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign developed a new image composition algorithm to generate an accurate lighting model. It uses geometry to build upon existing light-estimation methods, and it can work with any type of rendering software, the researchers explain. It works by breaking down the scene’s geometry and depth of field, and then determining how much of the scene’s overall illumination is a result of reflection (albedo) and how much directly emanates from light fixtures. This provides light parameters that can be transposed onto an inserted object. The team has developed algorithms for interior lights and for external light sources, typically light shafts from the sun.

    The method could be used for video games, movies, home decorating or other uses. The work is slated to be presented at SIGGRAPH Asia 2011.

    Rendering Synthetic Objects into Legacy Photographs from Kevin Karsch on Vimeo.

    (via http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2011-10/new-program-slips-super-accurate-false-images-existing-photographs)
    Layar Creation Challenge Top 3 Winners! #AR HOME The Volkswagen Beetle. Juiced Up - 街中まで拡張するフォルックスワーゲンのプロモーション #AR
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