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    Etsuji Kameyama (亀山悦治)


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    It seems that the contest result and three winners who use the vision base technology of Layar determined. Although I entered by the contents of displaying an animation from the recipe of cooking, I was not able to take time of programming. 
    Layar のビジョンベース技術を使用したコンテスト結果、3名の勝者が決定したようだ。私も料理のレシピでエントリーしていたが、結局実装の時間がとれないまま終わってしまった...。

    Layar, the World’s leading mobile augmented reality platform, had thrown open the Layar Creation Challenge this August. Developers were asked to use theLayar Vision API to create their own layers on top of the Layar Browser and provide new experiences that merged the physical world with the digital world. The results are out and the winners were able to successfully demonstrate not just viewing additional content but also being able to translate that to commerce. The entries were invited in 4 categories: Magazines, Books, Self Publishing and Anything Goes. The prize money totalled $55K with $15K, $10K and $5K for the top 3 winners.

    “We encouraged developers to think big and they showed they were up to the challenge by coming up with creative, smart business ideas that have lasting value for both the user and layer publisher,” said Maarten Lens-FitzGerald, Layar co-founder and General Manager.

    The first prize winner was AR Posters by Willem Veenstra. You can use AR Posters to create posters for events and allows promoters to add interactivity like Visit Website, Trailers, Ticket Giveways, all powered by a Content Management System.

    The second prize went to Buy It! By Antonio Aponte, which allows you to scan product packaging and do comparative pricing between retailers, finally letting you even purchase the items.

    The third prize winner was Food2You by Voxar Labs, which lets you scan a food menu and view not just ingredients, nutrional information but even gives options to request delivery or find physical locations.

    (via http://blog.programmableweb.com/2011/10/25/layar-winners-display-augmented-reality-commerce/)
    Microsoft's vision of the future -マイクロソフトが提案する未来のビジョン #AR #Microsoft HOME Technology which arranges 3D object automatically in a still picture - 静止画像の中に3Dオブジェクトを自然に配置する技術 #AR
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