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    Etsuji Kameyama (亀山悦治)


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    医療現場にAR。とても難しい技術を想像してしまうが、この事例はそうではない。2011年12月に C.S.モット小児病院(C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital)に導入されるARは、フットボールのスター選手 チャールズ・ウッドソン(Charles Woodson)の協力により、iPad2によるARコンテンツを導入するらしい。

    It is AR to the medical spot. This example is not so although very difficult technology will be imagined. AR introduced into a C. S. Mott Children's Hospital in December, 2011, Star athlete of football   Seemingly, AR contents by iPad2 will be introduced by CharlesCharles Woodson's cooperation. 
    They are the contents for strengthening the power in which children live or having a target have. 
    C.S. Since it is a thing that it puts a lot of energy into such a trial, it is wonderful in the Mott children hospital. 

    Former U-M football star and Super Bowl champion Charles Woodson to make a permanent home at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital

    Among the surprises in store for the families and patients scheduled to move to the new C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital this December is an appearance by football star Charles Woodson.

    With the help of “3D Woodson,” a new mobile app custom made for Mott, Woodson can be brought to life by any Mott visitor with an iPad or iPhone.  The technology behind the app, called augmented reality, has never been used in a healthcare setting before.

    “We're excited about introducing this technology into a children's healthcare setting,” Bull says.
    Nurses can suggest that children walk to the end of a hallway and use an iPad to unlock a cartoon character that praises them for their hard work.

    In the future, these augmented reality characters could also be used to deliver age-appropriate health tips or explain to children what they may expect prior to undergoing complex procedures, Bull suggests.
    (via & more http://www.uofmhealth.org/news/3d-woodson-app-1031)
    脅威のキネクト(デモ) - Threatening Kinect (demo) #kinect #vr #ar HOME 屋内会場で様々な風景が展開されるプロジェクションマッピング - Architectural Projection Mapping - New York - Connected Productions
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