このブログは、拡張現実 及び 仮想現実 が使用された最新の情報と事例などを掲載しています。---This blog publishes latest information and the case where AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) are used, etc.
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    Etsuji Kameyama (亀山悦治)


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    AR, VR, MR + HMD, Smart Glass が生活とビジネスを変革
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    The consumer's purchase course will change with appearances and fusion of a smart phone, SNS, and AR further from now on. Some hints are likely to be contained in this presentation. 

    Lynne d Johnson, Content + Community Consultant 
    As smartphones proliferate, consumer behavior is radically changing. More and more consumers are using their mobile devices to either make purchases or make decisions about purchases. To take advantage of this trend, marketers need to develop strategies that engage consumers with experiences that are social, local and mobile. No other technology makes better use of SoLoMo than Augmented Reality (AR). Join Lynne d Johnson as she explores how AR layers mobile commerce, social networking and location-based advertising in a seamless format for consumers and brands. Discover which brands are already using AR and why yours will too!

    Dan Neely, CEO, Networked Insights
    My Customer Does What?--Consumer insights have gone real-time thanks to social media. The challenge is no longer getting good consumer data, it's making sense of it all. Consumer data gathered across the social web can let you walk in the footsteps of your target consumer. A marketer's mission is now connecting the dots, finding actionable information and funneling it to all of marketing functions. Because knowing what's important in the lives of your target consumer lets you make better marketing decisions. Join Networked Insights CEO Dan Neely as he discusses how brands are now using real-time data to inform everything from the content they create to the media they buy just by knowing their audience better.

    Flash Rosenberg, Artist & Attention Span for Hire, Flash Rosenberg Studio
    Drawing at the Speed of Talk, Laughing at the Speed of Light—Flash Rosenberg will discuss her process of "live-drawing" to translate real-time discussions into animated images. She will offer strategies for how you can fluently harness the funny things you see, to be able to express yourself more accurately, as well as humorously. Flash will also explain how digital technology is boisterously redefining the way we look at images...and ourselves.

    (via & more YouTube  )

    ウォールストリートの街全体が拡張現実 - arOCCUPYWALLSTREET Opens Nov 12th @ Wall Street! #AR HOME Augmented Reality for Tourism - 観光と接客産業のARがどのように利用できるか #AR
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