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    Etsuji Kameyama (亀山悦治)


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    Google's being likely being likely to release the device of the glass type considerably had the presentiment ahead. A lot of people should have thought so. The following of the retrieval by the character are to become retrieving rugged main currents to social information that removes the wall of the character and the language and a vague thing. Smart device and real time that works by retrieval, semantic, enhancing reality, SNS, location information, and low electric power. 
    The infrastructure will be being maintained though the spread is thought still a little ahead. The nature after several years puts it to practical use on an experimental attempt for these two years. 
    It is likely to relate by Google Street View to the problem, the problem of relating to the right like violations of privacy and the becoming it copyright, etc. , and an increase in pornography and other crime while it is fruitive. The enterprise thinks that they should release a new technology and the solution because it bases this. 

    楽しみな反面、Google Street View で問題となったようなプライバシーの侵害や著作権など、権利に関係する問題、ポルノやその他犯罪の増加にも関係してしまうでしょう。そのようなことも踏まえて企業は新しい技術やソリューションをリリースしていくべきだと思う。

    ---Google glasses get you seeing the web in a whole new way

    It sounds like something out of a science fiction novel, but the New York Times is reporting that Google is developing a pair of electronic glasses that can stream information directly to the eyes of its user in real time, via a heads-up display.The futuristic shades could not only change the way its users see the world but also streamline how they use social media.

    Loaded with a low-resolution, built-in camera, the Google glasses "will be able to monitor the world in real time and overlay information about locations, surrounding buildings and friends who might be nearby," the Times reported, citing several Google employees close to the project.
    "You will be able to check in to locations with your friends through the glasses," a Google employee told the Times.On Wednesday, Google would not confirm or deny whether the ultra-modern eyewear is in development.

    (via http://www.canada.com/technology/)


    By the end of 2012, Google is expected to start selling eyeglasses that will project information and entertainment. The glasses will be like a smartphone with the lenses serving as a kind of see-through computer monitor. They are not meant to be worn all the time – but as needed.The glasses are being built in the secretive Google X laboratory near Google’s main Mountain View, CA.

    (via http://pursuitist.com/tech/google-augmented-reality-glasses/)

    ---Google's Terminator Glasses

    Nick Bilton at the Times’s Bits Blog, hardly a site for speculation on vaporware, tells us to expect something remarkable from Google by the year’s end: heads-up display glasses “that will be able to stream information to the wearer’s eyeballs in real time.”
    That’s right. Google’s going to turn us all into the Terminator. Minus the wanton killing, of course.
    The Times post builds on the reporting of Seth Weintraub, who blogs at 9 to 5 Google. He had written about the glasses project in December, as well as this month. Weintraub had one tipster, who told him the glasses would look something like Oakley Thumps. Bilton cites “several Google employees familiar with the project,” who said the devices would cost between $250 and $600. The device is reportedly being built in Google’s “X offices,” a top-secret lab that is nonetheless not-top-secret-enough that you and I and other readers of the Times know about it. (X is favored letter for Google of late, when it comes to blue sky projects.)

    (via http://www.technologyreview.com/blog/helloworld/27600/)
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