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    Etsuji Kameyama (亀山悦治)


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    Aurasma to which can it at high speed recognize without trouble, and AR contents be displayed even with paper like note. It seems to have corresponded to like HTML5 newly. 


    Aurasma is the world's leading augmented reality platform, using mobile devices to merge the physical world with the virtual. 

    Available as a free app for iPhones and high-powered Android devices or as a free kernel for app developers, Aurasma uses advanced image and pattern recognition to recognise and understand real-world images and objects in much in way the human brain does. It then seamlessly blends the real-world with rich interactive content such as videos and animations called "Auras". Auras can be created for printed images, product packaging, clothing, physical places and users can even use the app to create and share their own. 

    With Aurasma, even everyday things can have hidden digital depths - like the back of a 20 euro note. Download the free Aurasma app and change the way you see and interact with the world using your mobile device.

    (via YouTube by  ) 

    more articles

    Barcelona, Spain: Aurasma, the world’s leading augmented reality platform, has announced at Mobile World Congress (MWC 12) a new feature that enables the real world to be merged with live, dynamic web updates. This announcement follows hot on the heels of Aurasma’s launch of its 3D engine at CES 12, since rolled out by commercial partners including Bandai – one of the world’s largest toy manufacturers.

    The new feature, powered by HTML5, allows partners to deliver live web updates augmented into the real world. When viewed with Aurasma, print, products and even places can show live twitter feeds; buildings can be augmented with real-time information from social networks to show who is inside; share prices can be continually updated in newspapers; and tickets for public transport can show travelers the latest travel information. Being able to view live web updates using a mobile device in this way enables the “Internet of things” to become an augmented reality.

    (via http://www.qrcodepress.com/aurasma-augments-the-real-world-with-real-time-web-updates/857052/ )
    Miho Kanno CM AR-Collection - 菅野美穂 CM ARコレクション #Kanno #AR HOME 第一回 察知人間コンテスト開催中 ! #AR
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