The camera of AR application program Aurasma Lite for smart phone (iPhone,Android,iPad2) is held up in the photograph of actress Miho Kanno's CM. Then, demonstration contents where photograph seems to have begun to move on screen. A photograph collection and old past video and print space can tie easily. Printed matter can be used more effectively.
菅野美穂さんのCMの写真にスマートフォン(iPhone,Android,iPad2)向けのARアプリ Aurasma Lite のカメラをかざすと、画面の中でまるで写真が動き出したかのように見えるデモコンテンツです。写真集や、過去の古い動画を印刷紙面とを簡単に結びつけることができます。印
(via YouTube by ekame )