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    Etsuji Kameyama (亀山悦治)


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    An article here is quoted from the site of domus. It is necessary to be going to pay attention to the technology "Relation to high-speed, image-recognition technique + bulk data + various contents" more and more as a method of making the best use of the medium of paper to its maximum in the future. Here, when the camera of a smart phone is turned to the image of the book that relates to the art and construction, Aurasma of Britain where animation etc. are instantaneously displayed is introduced. The point being used for the high-speed image-recognition technique that the Autonomy Co. has cultivated is especially excellent. 

    こちらの記事はdomusのサイトから引用。紙という媒体を最大限に生かす方法として、「高速な画像認識技術+大量データ+様々なコンテンツへの関係性」 という技術は今後、ますます注目すべきであろう。ここでは、アート、建築に関係する書籍の画像にスマートフォンのカメラを向けると、動画等が瞬時に表示されるという英国のAurasmaが紹介されている。Autonomy 社が培ってきた高速な画像認識技術が使用されている点が特に優れている。

    By comparing the work of the "paper architects" to the recent technology of augmented reality, we can see how representation techniques have evolved, especially in recent years, with digital tools becoming almost an extension of our body. 

    In the current issue of Domus, which is dedicated to the theme of representation, Ethel Baraona Pohl's "From Line to Hyperreality" piece surveys contemporary architectural representation, from traditional techniques to the latest innovations and advancements. Integrating the article are a number of images with augmented reality layers, enclosing added information, movement and animations. 

    This was rendered possible with Aurasma, an application which combines image recognition and a conceptual understanding of the 3D world, to recognize objects and images and seamlessly merge augmented reality actions into the scene. 

    (via http://www.domusweb.it/en/news/through-the-lens-of-aurasma/)
    GORE-TEX® SURROUND™ Footwear - AR Experience #AR HOME First Augmented Reality recruitment feature for KAUST, by Naturejobs, in association with Inition. #AR
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