Become part of Spider-Man story in the latest iPad book for Marvel juniors!
Available from iTunes App Store -
Like most teenagers his age, Peter is trying to figure out who he is and how he got to be the person he is today. In his journey to put the pieces of his past together he uncovers a secret that his father held...a secret that will ultimately shape his destiny as Spider-Man.
Interactive Augmented Reality lets you become part of the story:
• SPIDEY MASK : Put on an augmented reality Spider-Man mask
• GLASSES : Put on Peter's Father's augmented reality glasses
• OSCORP BADGE : Make your own augmented reality badge
• CRAWLING SPIDERS : Try to stop augmented reality spiders that crawl on your face
• JAR OF SPIDERS : Collect augmented reality spiders in a jar
• SPIDEY-SENSE : Become Spider-Man by experiencing his Spidey-Sense
• SAVE & EMAIL these PHOTOS to your friends and family
(via YouTube MarvelUK )