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    Etsuji Kameyama (亀山悦治)


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    Mobile phone carrier Telefonica SA in Spain announces the tie-up with the Aurasma Co. with the AR technology that the Hewlett-Packard Co. has on Monday, September 17, 2012. I hear that the Financial Times paper put out release concerning this tie-up on the website. It explained that the blousing was done directly to the website of the advertiser that was able to buy the commodity by using the technology of the enhancing reality (image-recognition technique) for a smart phone and it was possible to tie to purchase easily. 
    It has it worldwide in this article today. The following are all content quoted from the article on the site. 

    ---Telefónica partners Aurasma to bolster O2 with augmented reality

    Telefónica Digital, the global digital division of Telefónica, claims the partnership with HP-owned Aurasma is the "biggest deal ever" in the AR industry with the scope to reach 25 markets and 300 million customers.Several brands have used Aurasma in their marketing, including Tesco,Budweiser, and Uniqlo, but take-up may have been limited by the need for people to download Aurasma's app before they are able to access augmented reality content.
    (via http://mediaweek.co.uk/news/1150184/TelefOnica-partners-Aurasma-bolster-O2-augmented-reality/)

    ---Telefonica SA : Telefónica and Aurasma join forces to drive market for augmented reality
    -Telefónica Digital to integrate Aurasma's Augmented Reality platform into its media services and distribute to mobile customer base

    ---Telefonica inks deal with AR company Aurasma – report
    Telefonica has signed a partnership agreement with Aurasma, the augmented reality business owned by Hewlett-Packard, which would potentially roll out the technology to 300 million customers worldwide, The Financial Times reports. “Augmented reality has the potential to fundamentally change advertising, transforming current static formats and introducing new levels of interactivity,” said Shaun Gregory, global director of advertising at Telefonica Digital.
    (via http://www.telecompaper.com/news/telefonica-inks-deal-with-ar-company-aurasma-report)

    ---Telefonica picks HP’s Aurasma for augmented reality expansion
    HELSINKI (Reuters) – Telefonica said it has picked HP’s Aurasma technology to expand its mobile advertising offerings in one of the largest deals yet in the emerging market for augmented reality.

    ---UK's O2 to get first taste of HP's augmented reality via Telefonica deal
    Telefonica has signed up to use augmented reality (AR) from HP.The Aurasma AR tech, developed by Autonomy and subsequently acquired by HP when it took over the British company last year, will be used by Telefonica to create new marketing offerings.Aurasma will be integrated into a range of media services to be used by Telefonica's brand and advertiser customers, the Spanish mobile company announced on Monday.
    (via http://www.zdnet.com/uks-o2-to-get-first-taste-of-hps-augmented-reality-via-telefonica-deal-7000004356/)
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    Gilbert Paul‘s new disc jacket use #AR - ポールギルバート、新譜ジャケットから#AR、mueAlive(ミューアライブ)を活用 HOME 映画のシーンがロケ地で再現されるARのコンセプトビデオ - Concept video of #AR where scene in a film is reproduced by location scene.
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