ロッテルダムで開かられたデザイナー ウェイマンス氏のイベントで展示されたAR。スマートフォンやiPadのカメラをデザイナーがデザインした洋服を着たマネキンにかざすと、そのマネキンの周りの空間にオブジェが表示される。斬新な表現手法だ。
AR dress by fashion designer Marga Weimans in collaboration with AugmentNL
LATEST NEWS: Rotterdam Designprijs 2013 nomination for “Body Archive” collection by Marga Weimans, including the augmented reality dress developed in cooperation with AugmentNL.
The hyperfabric dress is a showcase of the new possibilities opened up for fashion designers, allowing them to work with flexible designs appearing on certain ‘base creations’. Clothing that can be updated from a distance, or adapt automatically, possibly based on geo-locations or even the change of seasons. Assuming that a ‘Glass future’ is on the horizon, of course, with audiences having an eye for their semi-digital surroundings.
The augmented reality dress is the result of a cooperation between Marga Weimans and the augmented reality experts Luciano Pinna and Sander Veenhof of AR agency AugmentNL.com. The 3D scan was created using the Metaio Toolbox and a Junaio channel holding the virtual component of the dress is available to anyone lucky enough to be in the vicinity of the one-off copy of the handmade creation.
(via http://augmentnl.com/hyperfabric/)
AR dress by Marga Weimans, part of "Body Archive", nominated for the R'dam Designprijs http://designprijs.nl/http://augmentnl.com/hyperfabric augmented reality realisation In cooperation with AugmentNL
(via YouTube by