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    Etsuji Kameyama (亀山悦治)


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    Apple might enter the field of the enhancing reality in full scale slowly. Of course, you should have worked on close up to now. It is clear to put the following commodity that makes the best use of the product of one's study naturally on the market if Apple Watch is put on the market. 
    The personal computer feels products of other Apple give the world the impact because it renews though of course it. It was brought together a little. 

    1. Device that takes delight in music:
    IPod series corresponding to WalkMan of Sony

    2. Device that is called:
    IPhone series of power to replace device of mobile all over the world, faction that can call. It is Android device of Google that did not permit this. 

    3. Device that manages information:
    There are products named Personal Digital Assistant(Personal Data Assistance) that is called PDA. The famous one is Palm and Newton. It was a management terminal that Black Berry was able to call excluding Japan. And, Zaurus (Zaurus) etc. might be famous in Japan. It is felt that these become the flows that replace iPhone and iPad. Of course, it might replace Android. 

    4. Device that can take photograph and animation;
    The camera and the video camera are the centers in front of around. It is felt that it becomes a flow that replaces iPhone and iPad. Of course, it might replace Android. 

    5. Wristwatch:
    The clock also is replacing a smart phone and a smart watch. The person who does not do the wristwatch either has increased. At present, the wristwatch product of the Android system does not seem to have succeeded. Apple Watch will become it very. I think that it takes while it is a few though it is thought that the Android system sells until general people come to use it. 
    Alarm clock:
    It has come to be able to substitute the alarm clock very much with a smart phone. The function to repeat even times how many is power to surpass the alarm clock. 

    6. Head mounted display (HMD):
    It exists considerably for a long time in the military application. Apple is expected to enter slowly though there are recently a lot of HMD of a technological base of Android. It is expected also in AR and the VR field to say nothing of the location information. 

    --- Japanese ---
    Apple は、そろそろ拡張現実の分野へ本格的に参入するのかもしれない。もちろん、今まで密かに取り組んでいたことは間違いないだろう。Apple Watch が発売されれば、当然研究の成果を活かした次の商品を発売することは明らかだ。
    1. 音楽を楽しむデバイス:
    Sony の WalkMan に対応する、iPod シリーズ

    2. 電話をするデバイス:
    電話が出来る世界中のモバイル系のデバイスを置き換える勢いのiPhoneシリーズ。これを許さなかったのは、Google の Androidデバイス

    3. 情報を管理するデバイス:
    PDAと呼ばれるPersonal Digital Assistant(Personal Data Assistance)という製品群がある。有名なのは、PalmやNewton。日本以外では、Black Berryが電話も出来る管理端末でもあった。そして、日本ではZaurus(ザウルス)などが有名だろう。これらは、iPhoneやiPadに置き換わる流れになっていると感じる。もちろんAndroidにも置き換わっているだろう。

    4. 写真や動画が撮れるデバイス:

    5. 腕時計:
    時計もスマートフォンやスマートウォッチに置き換わりつつある。腕時計をしない人も多くなっている。Android系の腕時計製品は今のところ成功しているとは思えない。Apple Watchはどうなるだろう。Android系よりは売れると思うが、一般の人達が使うようになるまでは、少し時間がかかると思う。  

    6. 目覚まし時計:

    7. ヘッドマウントディスプレイ(HMD):
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