ロサンジェルスのアートギャラリー Smart Objects (スマート・オブジェクツ) では、拡張現実技術を使用したとても素敵な前衛的なアートが展示された。壁には記号のような数字が描かれているだけ。そこに専用アプリを起動してカメラを向けると...
Thursday & Saturday 2-8p
By appointment: 213-840-9681
1828 W Sunset Blvd 90026
Smart Objects presents Armory Captures, an exhibition of 3D scans taken from the Modern wing of the 2015 Armory Show.
LOS ANGELES — At galleries and museums, art is increasingly competing for attention with the needy screens of visitors’ cell phones, but at the Echo Park storefront gallery
Smart Objects, staring at your cell phone is the only way to appreciate the art. Their current show “Armory Captures” is an experiment in using free technology to broaden and democratize the art-viewing experience.