You’re aware that your cell service comes from cell towers. And that your mapping app is made possible by GPS satellites. And that wifi signals deliver your fail videos. But the sight of that invisible world is breathtaking.
This summer, a Dutch artist named Richard Vijgen released a video of a project he was working on called the Architecture of Radio. It was an augmented reality app that revealed the waves and signals in a given room, pulling information from publicly available databases on cell tower locations and satellites. It revealed an unearthly, web-like network of invisible infrastructure that powers our world—and unsurprisingly, a lot of people wanted to try it for themselves
This Beautiful App Lets You See the Cell Towers, Wifi Signals, and Satellites Around You )
今年夏、オランダのアーティスト、Richard Vijgenさんが「Architecture of Radio」(直訳:無線の構造)と題するAR(拡張現実)アプリを発表しました。このアプリは、基地局や衛星について公開されたデータベースを元に、任意の空間を飛んでいる電波や信号を可視化しています。今までは一般向けにリリースされていませんでしたが、ついに11月から、iOSアプリとして手に入るようになったんです。日本のApp Storeにも入っていて、価格は360円です。