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    Etsuji Kameyama (亀山悦治)


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    TOY PIANOS "Sqsqsqqqqq" from Patterson + Reckinger on Vimeo.

    Rehearsal for BEYOND MUSIC - Composition and Performance in the Age of Augmented Reality, Nov 8, 2015.
    Composer: Tristan Perich
    Performing musicians: Thomas Feng, Alexa Constantine, Dante Luna


    Augmented Workbench from iF Entry ID:309-3-177352 on Vimeo.

    F Entry ID:309-3-177352


    STOCKHOLM ART WEEK – STOCKHOLM IS YOUR CANVAS from Brutal Simplicity on Vimeo.

    How do you create the largest outdoor gallery in the history of Stockholm?

    Stockholm Art Week is an annual event showcasing Stockholm as a city for art.

    How do we democratize the art scene and get rid of the mindset that art is just for a few
    selected ones?

    The initiative Stockholm Is Your Canvas lets anyone submit their art and have it displayed
    with augmented reality. It could be on a wall at the exclusive The Thiel Gallery side by side
    to Edward Munch, Carl Larsson and Prince Eugene or somewhere around Stockholm city,
    in collaboration with Stockholm Stad.

    How it works
    Whenever you find a Stockholm Art Week symbol just open the app on your smartphone,
    point your phone’s camera at the symbol and voilà – an artwork will appear on your display!
    Also, don’t forget to explore the calendar covering Art Week.

    People from around the world uploaded a huge variety of artworks including famous eBoy
    and Alvaro Sotomayor to local talent Eijer from Karlshamn. The initiative was also picked up
    by a large number of blogs, news and most important; Visitors to Stockholm Art Week.


    Oculus Rift、PlayStation VR、Vive、Gear VRなどのVRヘッドセットに対応しており、ゲームに加え教育用コンポーネントとしてのリリースも計画されているという。

    『Painkiller: Hell & Damnation』『Deadfall Adventures』などの作品を手がけたポーランドのデベロッパーThe Farm 51は、チェルノブイリ原子力発電所事故30周年に合わせた新プロジェクト「The Chernobyl VR Project」を発表しました。
    (via http://www.inside-games.jp/article/2015/12/04/93671.html)


    You’re aware that your cell service comes from cell towers. And that your mapping app is made possible by GPS satellites. And that wifi signals deliver your fail videos. But the sight of that invisible world is breathtaking.
    This summer, a Dutch artist named Richard Vijgen released a video of a project he was working on called the Architecture of Radio. It was an augmented reality app that revealed the waves and signals in a given room, pulling information from publicly available databases on cell tower locations and satellites. It revealed an unearthly, web-like network of invisible infrastructure that powers our world—and unsurprisingly, a lot of people wanted to try it for themselves
    (via This Beautiful App Lets You See the Cell Towers, Wifi Signals, and Satellites Around You )

    今年夏、オランダのアーティスト、Richard Vijgenさんが「Architecture of Radio」(直訳:無線の構造)と題するAR(拡張現実)アプリを発表しました。このアプリは、基地局や衛星について公開されたデータベースを元に、任意の空間を飛んでいる電波や信号を可視化しています。今までは一般向けにリリースされていませんでしたが、ついに11月から、iOSアプリとして手に入るようになったんです。日本のApp Storeにも入っていて、価格は360円です。
    (via http://www.gizmodo.jp/2015/11/wifigps.html)

    (via http://jp.techcrunch.com/2015/11/30/20151129amazon-shows-off-new-prime-air-drone-with-hybrid-design/)

    Amazon Prime Air


    (via Pixsooz / Shutterstock http://forbesjapan.com/articles/detail/10352/ALL)

    Amazon.com Inc. is trying to lower the cost of augmented reality to bring a technology normally associated with futuristic military training and video-game conventions to living rooms.
    The Seattle-based company on Tuesday received two patents that outline a set of technologies that would project a digital world into someone’s room and let them navigate it by moving their bodies, or using some form of camera or headset to interact with it using virtual reality.

    Ghost in the shell / virtual reality diver from nobumichi asai on Vimeo.

    【Based on the Manga by】Shirow Masamune
    【Creative Director】Nobumichi Asai [WOW inc.]
    【Construction】Junichi Fujisaku [Production I.G]
    【Character Design】Kazuchika Kise [Production I.G]
    【Planning】Production I.G

    【Director】Hiroaki Higashi [stoicsense inc]

    Experience a new sensation.
    The sensation of becoming someone else. Cybernetically hack into the universe of "Ghost in the Shell" and experience new sensations.

    “GHOST IN THE SHELL: THE MOVIE” immersive VR app to launch early 2016!
    Enjoy a breathtaking cyberbrain hack.
    Available in 3D 360° virtual reality on the official Youtube smartphone app.

    More details on our Official Site!

    (c)Shirow Masamune・Production I.G/KODANSHA・GHOST IN THE SHELL: THE MOVIE.COMMITTEE.All Right Reserved.

    geoVR のプロモーションビデオ。ここで紹介するのは、VRの世界で世界旅行を体験することができるようになるかもしれないというもの。没入タイプのHMDを装着して、指示した場所(思った場所)へすぐに行けるというコンセプト。リアルタイム性を考えなければ、すでに実現できる技術だ。

    geoVR (promo) - EXPERIENCE. EXPLORE. PARTICIPATE. from Doublethink AS on Vimeo.

    Imagine being able to visit any place on Earth in an instant. Imagine being allowed to see how our world became what it is today, live. Imagine having the option to discover, learn and be entertained at the same time.

    Our goal is to make it all possible.

    Introducing geoVR: An interactive virtual reality experience with a global scope.


    Official_AR_APM from Producciones el paso on Vimeo.

    This project aims to contribute to the processes of detection and deactivation (destruction) of Anti-personnel mines, through an augmented reality application developed for a mobile device, which will allow users to visualize information that was previously inaccessible on top of the terrain as an additional layer of information to reality.

    The validity of the project has been tested with both national bodies such as the Direction for comprehensive action against anti personnel mines of the Colombian Government (DAICMA); (the project is one of the research projects of the scientific and technical committee), and internationally where the project was awarded the third prize among more than 100 projects in New York City Media Lab 2015 and has participated in events like Bushwick Film Festival, Polytechnic School of Engineering Research Expo 2015 and the Integrated Digital Media Show Case Spring 2015.


    New Vision of "The Little Prince" by Devar Technology from DevarGroup on Vimeo.

    See an old story told in a new way with Augmented Reality by Laboratory 24 LLC


    YOUnicorn In Action from Kayla on Vimeo.

    Demoing the augmented reality app YOUnicorn at Kinesthesia 2015


    Augmented Reality from Impuls-Design on Vimeo.

    Die Technologie der Augmented Reality (AR) erlaubt es, reale Umgebungen mit virtuellen Objekten und Informationen zu überblenden bzw. zu ergänzen. Es handelt sich wortwörtlich um eine erweiterte Realität.

    Ob innerhalb einer Ausstellung oder auch im Außenbereich – mit einem Tablet-PC oder Smartphone wird der Besuch zu einer virtuellen Entdeckungstour. Der Blick auf das Display zeigt das Kamerabild, welches durch virtuelle Informationen ergänzt wird. Diese digitalen Inhalte können beliebig gestaltet sein – beispielsweise als animierte Objekte, Zeichnungen, 3D-Objekte, Texte oder auch Comics.

    Erklärungen und Informationen können direkt am originalen Objekt, z.B. wertvollen Sammlungsstücken, gegeben werden. Auch die Orientierung im Raum oder die Erklärung von komplexen Zusammenhängen ist mit dieser Technologie möglich.

    現代自動車が、2015 Sonata model で採用したiPadやTabletで利用できる拡張現実技術を使用したマニュアルを採用した。よく自動車マニュアルのデモで見かけるエンジンルームに端末のカメラをかざすと、交換部品などの部位を示してくれるというものだ。ここで紹介されているビデオは実用性を感じさせる内容になっている。今後、多くの自動車で展開されていくことは間違いないであろう。

    Hyundai Launches Virtual Guide from MultiVu Video on Vimeo.

    Later this year, Hyundai will be the first mainstream automaker to launch an augmented reality owner's manual app. The Hyundai Virtual Guide app is the brand's modern take on the traditional owner's manual, allowing consumers to use their smartphone or tablet computer to get how-to information for repairs, maintenance and vehicle features.

    At launch, the Hyundai Virtual Guide is compatible with the 2015 Sonata model, and will soon become available for additional models. The new app recognizes more than 45 major features of the Sonata and is available for free download on the Apple App store and Google Play.
    Hyundai used quality consumer survey results to determine the top difficult-to-use features to incorporate into the Virtual Guide. The app also contains 82 how-to videos, six 3D overlay images that appear once users scan areas of their vehicle like the engine bay and more than 50 informational guides.

    To view the multimedia release go to:


    Cortical Brain - Augmented Reality App - Cortical Studios from Cortical Studios on Vimeo.

    Please check out our 3D augmented reality App, Cortical Brain, that illuminates several important structures in the brain. More as an experiment and to develop it further for future updates. Cortical Brain (iPhone or iPad): www.itunes.com/apps/corticalbrain To get started, download and print the target image you can find at www.corticalstudios.com/brain. Alternatively, you can display the target image on a second screen. Then point your camera at the target image, and watch an interactive 3D brain appear in front of you.

    Please mind that for example the limbic system only contains a limited amount of structures. The App is in developmental stage.


    DIY fogscreen display from KENNY WILLIAM NYALLAU on Vimeo.

    Here's my DIY fogscreen display. The cost to build this is relatively inexpensive and easy to build. Components include a pc power supply, a projector, 8 pc fans, 2 fan controllers and 4 ultrasonic atomizers. I use corrugated plastic for the housing coz it's cheap and easy to bend into shape. The app displayed is my solar system guide video game made using Unity.


    Martell AiR Gallery from Offset on Vimeo.

    Presenting to you the swan song of Martell's Tricentenary celebrations and Singapore's first ever contemporary art augmented reality exhibition - the Martell AiR Gallery.

    Client : Martell

    Agency : BATES CHI & Partners
    Sound : Neon
    Motion Graphics / Design : Offset

    筧 康明氏(Yasuaki Kakehi)が創り出す数々の楽しい作品が紹介されているビデオ。デジタル技術にも関わらずYasuaki Kakehiのフィルターを通過することで、温かみがあるアナログチックな作品となる。人が操作するというより、人の行動や行為が自然界へ影響を与えて変化をもたらすよことを感じさせる作品ばかり。

    INSTINT 2015 - Yasuaki Kakehi from Eyeo Festival // INSTINT on Vimeo.

    "Activating the Physical" – The border between the physical and the digital world is gradually dissolving. In the 2000’s Yasuaki developed various Augmented Reality works using projection technologies. By illumination through digital pixels, physical objects can virtually change it's appearances. These effects appear to be real, but are still virtual. To accelerate the fusion between bits and atoms into the real, he's developed technologies to hack and activate the physical properties of objects and materials. In the research group he leads at Keio University, they are designing devices that can extract changes and behaviors from familiar materials by controlling conditions of different energy fields. Shape, movement, and color are examples of material behaviors that can be controlled through structured light, invisible light, ultrasound, air flow, or magnetic power. His current research aims to augment human activities based on these technologies.




    OneInsight Playdisplay from Sergey on Vimeo.

    Interactive technologies


    Live Augmented Reality-Fujitsu from Intspire on Vimeo.

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