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    Etsuji Kameyama (亀山悦治)


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    Continental_Augmented_Reality_Project from Ebb+Flow Creative on Vimeo.

    Using augmented reality, Continental Automotive demonstrates the future potential of their suite of engine control components.

    ボルボは、イタリア ジェノヴァで、2015年に開催されたモーターショーでiPadを使用したAR技術で3つのシナリオを3つの異なる言語で展開した。

    Volvo Cars - Telling the safety story in Geneva from Berge on Vimeo.

    "No one will be killed or seriously injured in a new Volvo by 2020", a bold statement some might think but Volvo Cars has a history of pushing the safety standards. Since first introducing the seatbelt in 1957, safety has been a core value at Volvo and with the 2020 vision the company's showing that they want to stay ahead and commit to always raising the bar.

    For the 2015 Geneva motor show Berge helped creating an engaging story told with the help of modern technology.

    Through an impressing augmented reality experience using iPads the user could follow three scenarios taking place right in front of her. Complete with a narrating voice (in three different languages) the user were guided through the scenarios, and could experience what Volvo Cars' vision is all about.

    In cooperation with Interaktionsbyrån (interface design) and SCP Grey (project coordination).


    IoT_Airrate from Doyeon Kwon on Vimeo.

    Application Concept proposal.
    Why are chip bags always filled with so much air?
    To measure he annoying air in the chip bag before buying a snack, check the air rate using this “AirRate” application.
    This application is based on augmented-reality program.



    #‎BrixiaTimeMachine‬, ecco il racconto della ‪#‎ARtGlassexperience‬ al Parco Archeologico di Brescia Romana Fondazione Brescia Musei fatto da Petrolio Rai Uno. Non perdete l'occasione di viaggiare nel tempo e nello spazio come mai prima. Venite a Brescia a provare! ARtGlass è anche a Piazza dei Miracoli Pisa Walking in the City , Pinacoteca Civica (San Gimignano), Casa Rossini, Biblioteca cantonale di Lugano, Palazzo Steri, Palermo alla mostra unescosites.com


    Adidas: Augmented Reality from Irresistible Films on Vimeo.


    Smart Maintenance with ARgh! from Fridolin Wild on Vimeo.

    Shows interaction with smart glasses and tablet - using augmented reality to guide through a maintenance (and fault fixing) procedure.


    Reamplia Remote Assistant from tempestive on Vimeo.

    Tempestive Reamplia is the augmented reality solution that lets you improve on-site maintenance.
    One of the most useful features of Reamplia is the REMOTE ASSISTANT, which allows the field operator to be assisted directly by a more experienced colleague back at headquarters during operations.
    This saves time and money, eliminates the chance of making a mistake, and always makes an impression of the utmost professionalism on the end user.
    The technician in the field often does not have enough skills or experience to solve the problem.
    Or there is also a problem outside his competences.
    Reamplia Remote Assistant addresses these scenarios putting the field operator in touch with an experienced colleague.
    The request for assistance is received by the operator, who brings up on his desktop both the work order and the images transmitted by the maintenance technician in the field.
    The sharing of data and images makes it possible to identify the problem quickly and easily without the risk of misunderstandings which might otherwise easily occur.
    Reamplia Remote Assistant lets you send captioned images, graphic instructions, and technical documentation to the field technician, thus greatly facilitating quick, proper performance of the job.
    Through the use of smartglasses, Reamplia lets the maintenance technician cooperate with the remote operator while at the same time leaving the hands free.


    DBpixelhouse - Unique Inputs & Gesture Tech from DBpixelhouse on Vimeo.

    DBpixelhouse create software and work with the latest tech and hardware - putting together unique installations and experiences, including projects using (but not exclusive to!) :

    MicroSoft Kinect
    Leap (IR gestures)
    Myo (Wearable gesture control)
    Sphero (Robotic devices)
    Game Controllers (Wii / Wii Board / PS4 / XBO)
    Arcade style buttons
    Pressure Pads
    PIR Sensors,
    Ultrasonic sensors
    Barcode/QR scanners

    DBpixelhouse - Alternative Displays from DBpixelhouse on Vimeo.

    DBpixelhouse create software and work with the latest tech and hardware - putting together unique installations and experiences, including, but not exclusive to:

    Virtual Reality
    Augmented Reality
    SmartWindows (Transparent Touch Screens)
    Vitruvian (Transparent Touch Walls / Touch on any surface)
    Custom Shape Displays
    Digital Screens "Merged" into printed graphics
    Projection Mapping
    Holographics (Peppers Ghost/Musion/Pyramoid/DreamOC/Holoscreens etc.)

    Website: dbpixelhouse.co.uk


    Point.P Virtual Reality Custom Home from Virtual by Backlight on Vimeo.


    Through & Out 2 from FARM1027 on Vimeo.

    ‘Through & Out²’ is a cross-over between dance, sport, Augmented Reality (AR), biometrics and rope-skipping in which the performer will endure the, physical, mental and emotional states of a marathon runner in only 45 minutes.
    Audiences will experience the physical exertion of the performer through spectating in the traditional sense but by also accessing physiological statistical information, generated in real time, through an specifically designed mobile App. This experience will also include a compelling narrative which will give access to the performer’s memories, emotions and/or desires.






    Augmented Reality - education games for kids from InteractiveAR on Vimeo.

    3D interactive puzzles with several interlocked blocks and you are required to combine all the puzzles in a correct form. You can visit http://www.interactivear.net/ for detailed information.


    T-Rex Revealed - Dino Exhibit in Augmented Reality by INDE (with interviews) from INDE on Vimeo.

    T-Rex Revealed, a travelling exhibition themed around National Geographic Channel’s blockbuster documentary Dino Autopsy, drew 150.000 people on the opening day in Shanghai on Oct 1, 2015, and will continue to wow huge crowds across Asia when it visits Shenyang, Jinan and other places.

    This is a dinosaur exhibition with a difference, a total experience that visitors will not get anywhere else: there is no skin, there is no bone, there are no skeletons, it uses solely Augmented Reality (AR) technology developed by INDE. With this amazing new concept visitors get immersed into the world of dinosaurs in a very unique and memorable way like never before.

    The event combines INDE’s brand new MobileAR dino experience for smartphones and tablets - both Android and iOS - with Back to the Jurassic, an Appshaker BroadcastAR installation for large screens. The latter is already available for rental or permanent installation around the world, and MobileAR dinosaurs from T-Rex Revealed will also be available for licensing in the coming months, helping host venues - education, entertainment and retail spaces - become really popular destinations.


    Victoria's Secret A:R Demo from Scott Smith on Vimeo.

    Walkthrough of the Victoria's Secret A/R functionality in connection to their printed catalog.

    いろいろな製品のプロモーションで世界的に採用されている拡張現実。ここで紹介するのは、ウクライナで有名なTV番組 M1で取り上げられたネスカフェのARと、ARの解説。紙面、Tシャツなど様々な対象物がARのターゲット画像となっている。

    Minute of Life was at СтартUP Show | Телеканал М1 from Minute Of Life on Vimeo.

    Minute of Life was attented to StartUp show at famous Ukrainian TV M1 in order to introduce World`s 1st user generated interpersonal augmented reality messenger. http://minuteoflife.com



    The Great Big Toys“R”Us Book of Awesome from MultiVu Video on Vimeo.

    Toys“R”Us® today announced that The Great Big Toys“R”Us Book of Awesome, the company’s annual resource for the year’s hottest toys, will begin arriving in homes this week featuring an all-new, special interactive edition. This 96-page toy compendium is compatible with the company’s all-new app, The Geoffrey Shuffle, a game that allows kids to bring to life the season’s most coveted toys through an augmented reality experience. An abbreviated catalog, which features 48 pages of kid-favorite toys, is now available online at Toysrus.com and will be in local newspapers on Saturday, October 31. This year’s highly-anticipated gift guide from The World’s Greatest Toy Store™ also includes thousands of dollars worth of compelling deals and coupon offers, valid Sunday, November 1 through Saturday, November 21.
    “The arrival of The Great Big Toys“R”Us Book of Awesome marks the kickoff of the time-honored tradition of children eagerly studying pages upon pages of the year’s hottest toys, curating their must-have lists for Christmas morning,” said Richard Lennox, Senior Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer, Toys“R”Us, U.S. “Within the book, we created eight interactive lifestyle spreads that show the breadth of our assortment and make bold statements for some of the brands most beloved by kids. This catalog is the centerpiece of our holiday marketing efforts, and extends the theme of “AWWWESOME,” speaking not only to the excitement kids have when they turn the first page, but also the ways the company is helping gift-givers save with great deals and services, such as Price Match Guarantee and Free Shipping.”
    To view the multimedia release go to:



    アパレルの aizel(https://aizel.ru/)マイクロソフト Kinectを使用したバーチャルフィッティングイベント。モスクワで2ヶ月にわたって開催された。仮想試着室、人の動きによって変化するデジタルサイネージなどを採用したブランディングを行った。

    Virtual dressing room + + from in[visible] studio on Vimeo.

    Showroom of Aizel.ru online fashion retailer, totally based on Augmented Reality and digital technologies.
    Studio has developed Kinect-based virtual fitting room and interactive graphics for venue design.
    Showroom was open for two months in the very center of Moscow (Stoleshnikov per.).


    Technology of the Future DEVAR from DevarGroup on Vimeo.

    Information available «here and now»
    High-tech breakthrough in education to see everything with own eyes


    Hamlin – Visualizing the Invisble from The Moza on Vimeo.

    Hamlin can detect the invisible forces all around us, from temperature to sound to wifi signals. It collects this raw data and performs the necessary calculations to project this information in 3D space. Students merely have to turn on their smartphones and, using the Hamlin mobile app, view the scientific principles the instructor is explaining in real-time, augmented reality.

    And because Hamlin is a visualization tool, not just a sensor box, it offers a variety of different ways to see physics data. Take sound, for instance. Teachers and students can quickly switch from viewing sound as longitudinal waves to transverse waves to frequency-time meshes—or both simultaneously!—making it easy to tie the different concepts together and improving student comprehension.


    Augmented Reality from Online Education on Vimeo.



    Wiggle Planet Promo Video from Jeffrey Ventrella on Vimeo.

    Here at Wiggle Planet, we believe our innovations in character animation technology, augmented reality, and artificial life are on the verge of bringing us something much more meaningful than what has ever been possible in films, games and educational software.

    Wiggle Planet's proprietary software technology platform enables a new kind of emotionally intelligent animated character. These characters are born and exist entirely in software. They can inhabit the physical world through geolocation-based augmented reality, and they incorporate artificial intelligence, virtual physics, genetic inheritance and character mutation.

    If you're interested in developing innovative storytelling applications that leverage big data with emotionally-resonant dynamic characters that truly have a life of their own, we'd love to talk with you.


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