KOSKI from studio deFORM on Vimeo.
WWW.KOSKIGAME.COM - Soon on Kickstarter - sign up to be the first to play KOSKI.
KOSKI is a board game that connects the physical and digital gaming worlds together in a new, unusual and playful way. It is a combination of real toy blocks and a virtual app that evokes digital interactive game play. The Player uses an iPad as a “magical mirror” which looks onto wooden blocks. By using an augmented reality and object recognition, as the player interacts and builds with the blocks, the game soon begins to reveal it's hidden worlds, characters and stories. It unlocks new and imaginative ways to play.
Augmented reality isn’t just for catching Pokémon anymore. A new technology from Leica Microsystems uses “image injection” to display virtual overlays within a surgical microscope to help guide a neurosurgeon’s hands. It was recently used by Dr. Joshua Bederson of Mount Sinai Health System in New York to treat a patient with an aneurysm.Bederson worked closely with Leica and Brainlab, the company that makes the software, to develop the tool. He is now using it all of his cases, according to a statement released by Mount Sinai. Called CaptiView, the system links image-guided surgery (IGS) software to the microscope hardware itself, laying down critical visual information (such as images from a brain scan) directly on top of a patient’s brain. Both two- and three-dimensional images can be injected.
For the visually impaired, simple tasks like reading a menu at a restaurant can be difficult, so much so that people are often forced to rely on others to help out.But a Saskatchewan man is one of the first Canadians to try a new approach."It's opened up a whole new world for me," said Connor StandingReady.
What's opened up that world is something called the OrCam. It's a camera attached to a set of glasses. There's also a pocket-sized computer and an earpiece.It sounds simple but the OrCam reads, and then sends the audio to the person who is wearing the device
"It helps with my day-to-day activities," said StandingReady. "It was kind of mind-blowing, actually."
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サイバーエージェントは、スマホゲーム紹介新番組「天国'sApp」において、スマートフォン向けVRモード搭載のネイティブアプリ『オルタナティブガールズ』の最新情報を発表した。 本作は、超美麗3Dグラフィックで送る美少女RPG。主人公(プレイヤー)は学業や戦闘訓練を行いながら、町に現れる“夜獣(ナイトビースト)”と戦う“オルタナ”と呼ばれる少女たちが通う「妃十三学園(ひとみがくえん)」へと招集され、共同生活を送りながら、脅威に立ち向かっていく。(引用元:http://svrinfo.jp/detail?p=167073)
Hololens @femtolab.ca: week 4, basic laser lab use from femtolab.ca on Vimeo.
The hololens (https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-hololens/) is here! Welcome to week 4 of the future, with augmented/mixed reality.
This week, a bit of basic use in the laser lab, using Hololens for a remote desktop feed and rapid reference data snapshots. These are the first steps towards a more sophisticated and interactive use in the lab, which could bring together data from multiple discrete instruments around the lab, and present them to the user in either a spatially fixed form (as in the video), or a HUD which tracks and is always visible as the user moves around.
Some additional notes & links:
Laser system: Coherent Legend Elite Duo, see https://www.coherent.com/Products/?1505/Legend-Elite-Series
Pointing stabilization system: Aligna from TEM Messtechnik, see http://www.tem-messtechnik.de/EN/aligna.htm
Visit http://femtolab.ca for more.
SKULLYの元従業員で経理を担当していたIsabelle Faithhauer氏がサンフランシスコの裁判所に提出した訴状によると、同社の創業者らは、クラウドファンディングによる資金を家賃や引越し費用から、レストランでの食事や日用雑貨まで、あらゆるものに使っていたという。これには、MaiTai Global主催の技術コンテストの参加費1万3000ドル、休暇中のLamborghini製高級車のレンタル、ストリップクラブ利用料2000ドルが含まれる。
VR(Virtual Reality=仮想現実) の一般向け利用は、エンターテーメント分野、動画鑑賞やニュース配信分野への導入が多いが、医療分野(外科治療、精神面での治療などさまざま)など、人々の人生や生活に深く関係する利用シーンが徐々に増えている。
www.afpbb.com の記事では、具体的な成功事例を紹介している。
マイクロソフト ホロレンズ Microsoft HoloLens メガネ Glass ホログラム コンピュータ 3D映像 Holographic Windows 10【開発者向け 】 [並行輸入品] 新品価格 |
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Matt Sich Demos a HoloLens PokemonGo POC at 3Pillar Global from 3Pillar Global on Vimeo.
Galaxy Gear VR S6/S6 edge/S7 edge対応 SM-R322NZWAXJP 【Galaxy純正 国内正規品】 新品価格 |
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(SIMフリー) Samsung サムスン Galaxy S7 Edge Dual G935 (Dual デュアル SIM) (並行輸入品) (32GB, シルバー) 新品価格 |
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Mit der Knauf Virtual Reality-App können Sie sich virtuell in unterschiedlichen Räumen umsehen, die optische Wirkung von Akustikdecken erleben und spüren, wie sich das Raumgefühl z.B. durch den Einbau einer Lochplatten-Decke deutlich verbessert. Abstrakte Begriffe wie Nachhallzeit, Schallpegel und Sprachverständlichkeit werden verständlich, denn sie lassen sich ganz einfach erfahren.Was Sie dazu brauchen? Ein Smartphone mit iOS (Apple) oder Android (Samsung, HTC, etc.), die Knauf Decken-App aus dem Apple App-Store oder dem Google Play-Store und eine Virtual Reality (VR) Brille wie bspw. die Google Cardboard.Einfach die App herunterladen, das Smartphone in die Brille einlegen und los geht’s.
(テポインー)Tepoinn 3D VRメガネ 超3D映像効果 ブラック 新品価格 |
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Knauf Gips – Virtual Reality from Pixcube Animation Studio on Vimeo.
Virtual Reality Achterbahnfahrt im Europa Park from Mittelbadische Presse TV on Vimeo.
18.09.2015 - Mit Ed Euromaus und seinen Freunde durch digitale Welten fliegen. Im Europa Park Rust ist das nun mit einer Virtual Reality Brille möglich. Während der Fahrt auf dem Alpenexpress sehen die Besucher vor ihren Augen eine animierte, virtuelle 3D-Welt. Besitzer einer Jahres- oder eMotions Pluskarte, und Hotelgäste können die Attraktion noch bis zum 16. Oktober kostenlos nutzen.