このブログは、拡張現実 及び 仮想現実 が使用された最新の情報と事例などを掲載しています。---This blog publishes latest information and the case where AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) are used, etc.
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    Etsuji Kameyama (亀山悦治)


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    AR, VR, MR + HMD, Smart Glass が生活とビジネスを変革
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    ARのVuforia(ヴューフォリア/クアルコム社)が、新しいSDK 5 をリリースした。このSDKは、今まで別扱いとなっていたアイウェアのSDKを統合したものとなっている。このSDKを使用することで、AR世界からVR世界へと自然に入り込む、新しい体験を実現することができるようになる。









    GEAR ARを装置して、紙面上のボタンを押さえると色や動きを変えることができる




    詳しくは、Qualcomm Vuforia のビデオで...
    Vuforia 5 SDK: Mixed Reality and Eyewear Support

    Qualcomm Vuforia Overview – 2015 Update

    Vuforia 5 breaks new ground for enabling mixed reality experiences and all-new digital eyewear. With it you can:
    - Design mixed reality applications that combine AR and VR
    - Create virtual buttons in AR that provide navigation and control
    - Build hands-free AR apps for workers who need to visualize content in their workspace
    Vuforia supports selected digital eyewear devices and Android and iOS smartphones and tablets. Digital eyewear includes:
    - Phone-based viewers such as the Samsung Gear VR Innovator Edition and a wide range of Google Cardboard viewers
    - Standalone devices such as the Epson Moverio BT-200, ODG R-6 and ODG R-7 (available for pre-order)
    Learn more about augmented reality and Vuforia at https://www.vuforia.com/.
    Get started developing on Vuforia today at https://developer.vuforia.com/.
    For support issues, visit our Support Forum at https://developer.vuforia.com/forum.


    3D AR MAT_Japanese from Victoria Productions Inc on Vimeo.

    3D AR MAT provides a safe environment for young children to learn English vocabulary and phonics while having fun. Simply download the app to any smart device and scan the mat to experience the interactive 3D images as they pop out of the screen and into real life.


    3D AR MAT_English from Victoria Productions Inc on Vimeo.

    3D AR MAT provides a safe environment for young children to learn English vocabulary and phonics while having fun. Simply download the app to any smart device and scan the mat to experience the interactive 3D images as they pop out of the screen and into real life.

    VRで有名な Oculas Rift (オキュラス・リフト)を頭部に装着。次に両手にコントローラーを装着し、仮想店舗の中に入る。その視界に広がるのは、店舗の中の棚に陳列された商品(本物を3DCG化したもの)。両手のコントローラーは、まるで自分の手のような役割をし、仮想の商品を摑むことができる。自宅から仮想店舗に入り、その空間で商品を選び、購入することが近い将来できるようになってくるのだろう。究極は、本物の店舗をリアルタイムに3D映像化し、その中をVRで自由に動きまわることができる世界だ。

    Famous Oculas Rift is installed in the head with VR. Next, the controller is installed in both hands, and it enters a virtual store. It is a commodity (one that the real thing was made 3DCG) that extends to the view displayed in the shelf of the store. The controller with both hands does the role like his hand. It enters a virtual store from home, the commodity is chosen, and it is likely to be able to buy it. Ultimateness be to be able to make a genuine store 3D image in real time, to move in that with VR freely, and to turn. 









    Sixense vRetail™ - Virtual Reality Shopping Demo from 온라인MD팀 on Vimeo.


    Sentio VR Demo from Chaitanya Ravi on Vimeo.


    Spazio - Plano de Controle from Leandro Balladas on Vimeo.

    Primeiro clipe em Realidade Virtual do Brasil.
    The first virtual reality music video of Brazil.

    Você pode assisti-lo em 360º no browser ou em seu smartphone clicando no link abaixo:
    You can watch in 360º on the link below:

    Direção: Leandro Balladas
    Direção de Fotografia: Fernando Mazzuco
    Câmeras: Fernando Mazzuco e Vini Gouvea
    Produção de set: Carlos Zanotti, Ana Paula Nascimento e Letícia Fernandes
    Log: Rafael Fernandes
    Edição: Leandro Balladas
    Cor: Alex Yoshinaga
    Making Of: Vini Gouvea
    Equipe Studio A: Carlos Augusto "Montanha", Atonio Otacílio e Alexandre Leonel Pedroso"L.O"

    Vocal: Felipe Janavicius
    Guitarra: Edu Braga
    Guitarra: Alê Kaimer
    Baixo: Burda
    Bateria: Thiago Matricardi

    Agradecimentos: Leo Veloso(Arena Brazuka), Marcos Zanelato, Ton Vasconcelos, Willian Deberaldine, Lauana Bertasso, Munir Zetun, Carolina Balladas, Viviane Thomé, Sofia Sales, Aline Gindro, Rosaria Lincon, Bruno Henrique “BHS”, Ciro Neves, Victor Policarpo, Jorge Bertolla, Tiago Spike, Robson Timoteo, Marco Vinicius, Renato Lima, Lorena Penko, Felipe Ino Nunes, Caio Bassetti

    複数名でHMDを装着し、モデル設計を行うシチュエーションが未来的。HMD、VR(Virtual Reality)、MR(Mixed Reality)の技術は、コンシューマー向けのゲームだけではなく、本命は業務での利用になるだろう。

    Virtual Reality - A New Era For AEC Industry from WorldViz on Vimeo.

    We spoke with representatives from Skanska, Perkins+Will, and HCA Healthcare Architects about how the use of WorldViz Virtual Reality solutions have catalyzed a new way of solving design and construction problems.

    For more information visit:
    or email us at contact@worldviz.com



    Nanotech Construction Kit


    Immersive Game World


    A simulation of low-field-of-view augmented reality (AR), using the estimated FoV of Microsoft's HoloLens (30 x 17.5 degrees). Filmed in a CAVE VR environment, using custom code to put "virtual blinders" on the user. The blinders create a truncated pyramid locked to the viewer's head, 30 x 17.5 degrees wide with the pyramid's top rectangle being 24" from the viewer's eyes.
    The experience of this blindered setup closely matches what I experiences first-hand at Microsoft's Build 2015 conference, where I tried a HoloLens device.
    The 30x17.5 degree FoV value is not officially confirmed, but based on measurements I took during my demo. The HoloLens' final FoV might turn out slightly different.


    Microsoft’s most ambitious product in recent history, the Hololens augmented reality glasses have garnered early criticism for their narrow field of view. They’re said to put realistic holograms into your vision, but these holograms only appear through a tiny window which crops the 3-D illusion with a box.

    (via http://www.fastcodesign.com/3048826/disappointing-demo-shows-the-tiny-view-of-microsofts-hololens)

    SoftAR: Visually Manipulating Haptic Softness Perception in Spatial Augmented Reality from Parinya Punpongsanon on Vimeo.

    Parinya Punpongsanon, Daisuke Iwai, and Kosuke Sato. "SoftAR: Visually Manipulating Haptic Softness Perception in Spatial Augmented Reality", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2015), 2015.

    * Visit: http://www.sens.sys.es.osaka-u.ac.jp/users/punpongsanon/projects/SoftAR/index.html for more details.

    We present SoftAR, a novel spatial augmented reality (AR) technique based on a pseudo-haptics mechanism that visually manipulates the sense of softness perceived by a user pushing a soft physical object. Considering the limitations of projection-based approaches that change only the surface appearance of a physical object, we propose two projection visual effects, i.e., surface deformation effect (SDE) and body appearance effect (BAE), on the basis of the observations of humans pushing physical objects. The SDE visualizes a two-dimensional deformation of the object surface with a controlled softness parameter, and BAE changes the
    color of the pushing hand. Through psychophysical experiments, we confirm that the SDE can manipulate softness perception such that the participant perceives significantly greater softness than the actual softness. Furthermore, fBAE, in which BAE is applied only for the finger area, significantly enhances manipulation of the perception of softness. We create a computational model that estimates perceived softness when SDE+fBAE is applied. We construct a prototype SoftAR system in which two application frameworks are implemented. The softness adjustment allows a user to adjust the softness parameter of a physical object, and the softness transfer allows the user to replace the softness with that of another object.

    iPadなど、スマートデバイスのAR、VR技術を使用することで、歴史的な建造物の中をかつての状態で仮想体験することが可能となる。フランスの HistoPad Chambord では、最新の技術を使用して時間旅行が体験できる。

    À l’occasion de la commémoration des 500 ans du couronnement de François Ier en 2015, le domaine national de Chambord propose depuis le 22 juin un outil de visite inédit et exceptionnel : « l’HistoPad Chambord », une tablette numérique qui vous permet de redécouvrir, grâce à la réalité augmentée, le Chambord d’il y a cinq siècles.

    Élément de patrimoine hors du commun, qui a accueilli les esprits les plus éclairés de son époque, Chambord est heureux d’être un des premiers monuments nationaux à vous proposer un tel outil de médiation. L’innovation technologique est au service du patrimoine qui se vit et se transmet comme un patrimoine vivant. L’HistoPad à Chambord s’inscrit dans une démarche générale d’adaptation aux usages et nouvelles pratiques des visiteurs.

    L'HistoPad Chambord dans l'émission 19.45 de M6 (09 juillet 2015) from HISTOVERY on Vimeo.

    Que faire avec l’HistoPad Chambord ?

    • Remonter le temps : visite immersive de 8 espaces
      Cette application vous offre une immersion dans des espaces virtuels reconstitués grâce à l’insertion d’éléments de décor mobilier et textile en 3D et 2D dans les espaces réels. Vous serez immergés dans ce décor reconstitué à travers l’écran de leur HistoPad, à 360 degrés, du sol au plafond.
      Epoque restituée : fin du règne de François Ier (1539-1545).
    • En savoir plus avec la visite augmentée de 20 espaces
      L’HistoPad propose un complément d’information, sous forme de légendes, textes, sons, explications graphiques et animations pour les salles principales du château. Ces informations, d’intérêt esthétique ou historique ou architectural, portent sur les collections du château. Elles permettent de faire parler les oeuvres et d’en révéler les secrets.
    • Chercher et trouver un trésor
      L’HistoPad propose au jeune public une application ludique sous forme d’une chasse au trésor au sein des pièces du château. En ouvrant les tiroirs, soulevant la vaisselle, les enfants doivent trouver des pièces d’or cachées dans les espaces reconstitués virtuellement par l’HistoPad.
    • Se repérer dans le Château avec la géolocalisation
      Grâce au système de géolocalisation, l’HistoPad vous situe en temps réel sur le plan du château, repère quels espaces ont déjà été visités, ainsi que les salles qui restent à découvrir.
    • Créer sa propre visite avec « Ma Visite »
      L’HistoPad permet à chacun de mémoriser ses oeuvres et reconstitutions favorites tout au long de la visite. Un tableau de bord personnalisé permet ensuite d’y avoir accès à tout moment, de suivre son parcours, et de remplir le livre d’or.

    (via http://chambord.org/)
    丸いフォルムのカメラ、スピーカー、リモートセンサー付のスマートデバイス Branto。ふだん使用しているスマートフォンを使用して遠隔操作できる。このような装置は、コミュニケーションのためだけではなく、介護支援、子供やペットの見守り用、セキュリティー監視、工場の工員管理などで活躍するであろう。

    It provides 360° vision, free communication, security and control of home devices




    (via https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/branto-full-remote-presence-security-device#/story)






    Augmented Automation by ESSERT-Steuerungstechnik GmbH from Essert Steuerungstechnik GmbH on Vimeo.

    慣れていない作業員、または希に発生するメンテナンスなどは、正しい手順で間違えずに実施することが難しい。そのようなシチュエーションではARの技術が効果的だ。ここでは、操作の手順を先に教えてくれる「ゴーストハンド」という手が3Dアニメーションで表示されるように作られている。指の動きを細かく検知できる Leap Motion のハンドトラッキングが使用されている。

    GhostHands demo: Augmented Reality tele-assistance with hands-on instruction from Giuseppe Scavo on Vimeo.

    GhostHands is an application that takes advantage of the use of a virtual model of a mentor’s real hands, appearing in a workers full AR view of a work task. The mentor can see the workers view ‘through their eyes’ and can place their GhostHands into that view. The trainee sees the mentor's hands as if he is in the same environment in an "over-the-shoulder" way.

    The application was built using Leap Motion hands tracking data streamed over the Internet.

    Publication: https://goo.gl/rgFopc
    Slideshare: http://goo.gl/pXMSwB

    2015年6月28-30日にかけてシカゴで開催された、インタラクティブカスタマーエクスペリエンス(ICX)サミット - 2015年のハイライトリールの様子が撮影されたビデオ。その展示(紹介)は、キオスク型のデジタルサイネージ、スマートフォンやタブレットを使用したもの、Beacon、IoT、AR(Augmented Reality)と、広範囲にわたったようだ。どれも今後、より注目されている技術ばかりである。







    Interactive Customer Experience (ICX) Summit - 2015 Highlights Reel from Networld Media Group Summits on Vimeo.

    Held June 28-30, 2015 at the Sofitel Chicago, the Interactive Customer Experience (ICX) Summit was an exclusive event all about interactive, in-venue technologies. The conference focused on technologies such as digital signage, self-service kiosks, mobile and tablets, as well as emerging technologies like beacons, internet of things (IoT) and augmented reality.

    Highlights included a scavenger hunt and tour of Chicago-area interactive technologies, an opening keynote by Jason Goldberg of Razorfish, an awards dinner party at Skydeck Chicago and a closing keynote by Blaine Hurst of Panera.



    手術の現場で利用できるシステムは DRAGONFLY


    DragonFly from Thales USA on Vimeo.

    A head-worn surgical display which leverages Thales' augmented reality technology used by military aviators. This product's innovative technology transfer aims to modernize the operating room by improving the man-machine interface, simplifying procedures and enhancing operational awareness.


    uConnectHealth | Augmented Reality App from mindconsole on Vimeo.


    The application program of this L'Oreal is tolerable made though AR for the makeup looks unnatural and there are a lot of application programs not practicable. Not only an advanced face-recognition technology but also a natural make-up is genuine. 









    L'Oréal - Make up Genius by McCann Beauty Team from McCann London on Vimeo.

    There’s no easy way to quickly try new make-up… or rather, there wasn’t until now. This year the McCann Beauty Team partnered with L’Oréal to design Make Up Genius, the only mobile app that allows you to try hundreds of products instantly. Using the latest technology in augmented reality, the app can apply any L’Oréal product to your eyes, lips and cheeks, including a series of combinations worn by celebrities and beauty icons. So far, upwards of 10 million people have downloaded the app and tried out a colossal 25 million different looks. This ground-breaking app swept the Cannes, winning a total of 9 Lions, and gave L’Oréal an edge amongst its competitors for the company’s innovative approach to reshaping the consumer experience.

    article ... http://www.1to1media.com/view.aspx?docid=35425

    シースルー型のHMD(ヘッドマウントディスプレイ)である、エプソンBT200は、ポピュラーなARであるヴューフォリアの技術とUnityでアプリが開発できる。Vufoia のプリフェアード・デベロッパーであるナレッジワークスでもすでに幾つかのアプリを開発。ぜひお問い合わせください。

    Building Moverio Augmented Reality Apps with Vuforia and Unity from Holo Leo on Vimeo.

    How to create stereoscopic augmented reality experiences using Unity and Vuforia Eyewear SDK on the Epson Moverio BT 200. Topics covered include installation, configuration, 3D model placement, deployment, and troubleshooting tips. A live Q&A follows the presentation.

    Slides: http://slides.com/hololeo/moverio







    Augmented Reality - Projection Mapping Golf Exhibit from Cameron Uhlig on Vimeo.

    We combined projection mapping and augmented reality for Panasonic in this exhibit for InfoComm 2015. Lynch Exhibits Builder.










    K1299 - augmented reality/wearable technology from ece tankal on Vimeo.

    BAD BOX is a project developed for Built by Associated Data (BAD) by TL3. Outside, a briefcase, inside an architectural visualization tool that is mobile, wearable, and interactive. BAD BOX integrates emerging technologies, digital tools, and traditional craftwork allowing Architects and Clients to understand its digital and physical content in real time.
    Client: Built By Associative Data (BAD) http://bad.ar.com
    TL3/Nu4mat Team: Ignacio de Juan-Creix Umbert http://nu4mat.com
    Carlo Santi
    Ece Tankal
    Carmen Aguilar y Wedge http://carmenez.com
    AR Application: Pangea Reality pangeareality.com
    Leatherwork: Musa Bajo el Arbol musabajoelarbol.com
    Video: Valeria Ippolito
    Music: Whedler - Amina Ravelle (Original Mix)

    Copyright© Nu4mat 2014

    AR(拡張現実) 技術は効果的な仮想体験を提供する。宇宙、生物の動きや生態、化学変化などは、文章、画像、動画では理解しにくいことが多々ある。3Dや背景を透明にしたアニメーションを使用することで、図鑑の紙面をスマートフォンのAR技術で拡張することができる。まだまだコストがかかりそうなイメージがあるこの手法だが、今後は学校で使用される教材となるであろう。既にテスト的に導入が始まっている学校もあるのだ。

    Space of the picture book can be enhanced in the AR technology of a smart phone. I still expect that I become a teaching material used at the school though it is a technique with the image that seems to be cost. There are some schools where the introduction has started testing. 

    Augmented Reality Dinosaur Book from Brian Foster on Vimeo.

    Watch the Dinosaurs rise up off the page, captivating young children and engrossing them in the story.

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