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    Etsuji Kameyama (亀山悦治)


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    AR, VR, MR + HMD, Smart Glass が生活とビジネスを変革
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    髪型やメイクを試すことが出来るアプリはたくさんリリースされているが、不自然になってしまうものが多い。ここで紹介するアプリ ModiFace Mirror は、顔の各部位を認識し、自然にメイクを行うことができるようだ。


    Patented augmented-reality technology can show makeup, hair, skin, and anti-aging changes in LIVE 3D. The easy to use ModiFace Mirror features photo-realistic makeup/skin simulation, shade matching, glance-based product recommendations, pause/play modes, and so much more. 

    (article http://www.psfk.com/2015/04/make-up-digital-mirror-lets-you-test-drive-makeup-modiface-mirror.html)

    (official site http://modiface.com/mirror.php)

    Sugimoto Laboratory, Department of Information and Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University

    (via DigInfo TV)
    イースターエッグハント キャンペーンでは、必ずといって言いほど世界のどこかで拡張現実の技術を使用したキャンペーンが開催されている。先の記事に続けて紹介。

    Hoppy Easter by Mirvac

    Announcing Hoppy the life-sized augmented reality Easter Bunny!
    Catch Hoppy jumping out of his hole, dancing and giggling, and take a photo with him this weekend at 14 major shopping centres across Australia. The Hoppy Easter app can be downloaded for free on iTunes or Google Play at http://HoppyEaster.com.au.
    You can also take Easter themed selfies with the app - enjoy!

    (via nae-design)


    App allows for home to be turned into Easter egg hunt — with no eggs






    Virtual Easter Egg Hunt at all Toys'R'Us stores Australia wide 1st - 12th of April.
    For more information go to http://www.toysrus.com.au/easteregghunt

    (via Toys"R"Us Australia)
    ブロックなど、立体的な物を組み立てる場合、見えない箇所が分かり難かったという経験が誰にもあるだろう。子供向けなのに親でもさっぱり分からないこともきっとあるはずだ。このような時、その構造や手順が分かったら効果的だ。ここで紹介する IOブロックという組み立て玩具では、このような拡張現実アプリを提供している。

    (via Guidecraft)

    (via http://www.lumoplay.com)

    Lumo transforms any floor into an interactive surface they can play games on. Children can also make their own games using online content creation tools. In this interview, CEO Meghan Athavale and Games Producer Jocelyne Le Leannec explain how the system works and what features they hope to add in the future.

    (via Lumo Play)

    more pictures and info on behance : http://on.be.net/1DGiLfZ

    In this project we're using an antic sculpture and video to create an uncanny feeling. Put life into an object.
    This work is based on the lack of life inherent of virtual imagery and classical sculptural art. Golem explores the thin line between virtual reality and real virtuality.



    Erleben Sie exzellenten Fotoservice und neue Technologien auf der FUJIFILM Erlebnistour 2015. Das Highlight: Sie in Aktion mit virtuellen Pinguinen – ein Riesenspaß mit Erlebnisfoto zum Mitnehmen und Teilen. Jetzt live in Ihrem Media Markt.
    Weitere Informationen zur Erlebnistour: www.pinguin-to-go.de

    A short film describing the development of a prototype application for the Oculus Rift DK2 headset, to visualise subsurface geoscience data in situ. 
    In this video, Visualisation and Science Promotion team members Michael de Hoog and Bobby Cerini visit Lake George in southern New South Wales, to demonstrate how the Oculus Rift is used to integrate views of subsurface resources data in situ with views of the landscape. 
    Different data layers are shown being switched on and off. The data are overlaid on the location within the landscape in which they were collected, including seismic line, volumes, gravity, magnetic and borehole data.
    For more information about data visualisation at Geoscience Australia, please contact salescentre@ga.gov.au
    To access the video of a talk given in December 2014 about data visualisation at Geoscience Australia: 

    This demo shows the instruction of replacing a mechanical seal of a pump in an interactive way with the use of Augmented Reality. Do you want more information about the use of Augmented Reality in industrial applications check the website: www.viumore.be 

    (via Viu More)

    (via Mamdouh Tarabishi)
    拡張現実で化学を学ぶという発想を、HMDでさらに体験できるものに進化させた事例。 このような場合に、Epson Moverioの利用が適切な選定であるかは検討する余地はあるかもしれない。

    áskalos is an application for Augmented Reality, especially the Epson Moverio BT-200 smart glasses. The app will be available on the Moverio App Store shortly.

    (via prefrontal cortex)




    Differentiate yourself from your competition. Lead engaging sales conversations. Make complex facts easy to understand.
    Magic Lens is a tablet application that recognizes objects and adds additional information in the live camera image. Use 3D visualizations, animations, pictures, videos and much, much more to render your product presentation truly memorable. No matter if you’re at a trade show or in your client’s office.
    Learn more about Magic Lens at

    SouthPars12 AR is the first application in the world to use augmented reality in oil industry.
    This application was the first collaboration between PendAR and Petropars. Petropars used this application to present South Pars 12 , the largest oil project in the history of Iran. Users could experience South Pars 12 with augmented reality technology , see it from every angle , view each unit and get to know the process of creating oil products in refineries.

    South Pars 12 AR from PendAR on Vimeo.

    (article http://pendar.lu/index.php/blog/38-south-pars-12-ar)

    (iOS Apps https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/petropars/id951651512?ls=1&mt=8)

    It participates in "Alice in Wonderland" amusement by the family. In the Augmented Reality application program of iPad, Wonderland can be experienced further. 


    A family take a trip to Llandudno and head off on an adventure with Alice & their iPads! (also available for iPhone & Android devices)

    (via wonderland6226)
    Digital signage of participation type using large-scale display. It is possible to achieve it by taking a picture of the image to which it takes a picture of the background with the greenback beforehand, and overlapping it with a real image. Utility is high in the event and attracting customers. 


    AV:LAB in collaboration with People's Leasing & Finance PLC presents "The Colosseum in Augmented Reality"

    21st February, 2015

    (via TheAvlabTV)
    In the auto manufacturer, promotion and the event use using the technology of the Augmented Reality are fronts around. The advanced level is just good for the solicitation. 




    World of Waw produced the digital experience Deloitte presented at Digital first. People were interested, surprised and amazed to meet Digital Dave and the BMWi3 car configurator.

    (via Tina Stroobandt)

    Fashion fans can experience all the major trends with virtual reality in the Future Fashion Pop-up at Westfield.
    The shopping centre has teamed up with reseller and Virtual and Augmented Reality specialist, to host the installation, which will feature a number of digital fashion experiences.
    Visitors will be able to experience all of the season’s fashion trends using virtual reality and avatars.
    Using Oculus Rift along with Leap Motion gesture tracking technology, users will be able to see their own hands in the virtual world, allowing them to interact with virtual characters, fly through the landscape and mix and match trends.
    An avatar is created based on the user’s body shape, it tracks them across the screen as they leave trails of this season’s trends in the air.
    Myf Ryan, director of Westfield in the UK and Europe, commented: “With the evolution of Future Fashion we wanted to explore a more abstract way for our consumers to experience the season’s key trends.
    “From research Westfield conducted we know that shoppers are eager to explore new fashion technologies and are intrigued by new virtual ways to experience it. 52 per cent would use Augmented Reality in a retail environment and 57 per cent are tempted by Virtual Mirrors.
    “This event will take our shoppers on an incredible virtual journey, which pushes the boundaries of fashion and technology.”

    (via http://www.pcr-online.biz/news/read/westfield-present-this-season-s-fashion-trends-using-virtual-reality/035821)

    When a piece of machinery in your manufacturing facility breaks, you might not have the best plan in place for fixing it without wasting huge amounts of time and money.
    Bob Meads, founder and CEO of iQuest, addressed this common manufacturing problem in our conversation about his company’s collaboration with Kepware, as well as advanced approaches to viewing the plant floor and challenges to implementing automated solutions.
    iQuest is an automation-solution provider and integrator, which means they build solutions for manufacturing plants and process areas. When the company began developing iQagent, a mobile app designed to improve efficiency in monitoring, they selected Kepware’s KEPServerEX, because it offers the ability to communicate with various pieces of equipment on the back end.

    (via http://www.manufacturing.net/news/2015/03/boost-efficiency-through-augmented-reality-q-a-with-bob-meads)
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