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    Etsuji Kameyama (亀山悦治)


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    AR, VR, MR + HMD, Smart Glass が生活とビジネスを変革
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    I think that there is a preconception like the magazine, the newspaper, and the catalog, etc. when the image-recognition technique of AR (Augmented reality) is used. However, there is no restriction in the object. If it is possible to recognize it with iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, and PC&Web Camera, etc. , it is not necessary to be printed. The example and the demonstration that I tested are matched, and I introduce some. 

    AR(拡張現実)の画像認識技術を利用する場合、雑誌・新聞・カタログという先入観があるかと思います。しかし、対象物には制約はありません。iPhoneやAndroid,Windows Phone,PC&Web Camera などで認識出来れば印刷されている必要はありません。私自身が試した実例とデモを合わせて、幾つかご紹介します。

    ---In the rental video shop.
    Demonstration to which it can watch preview from DVD jacket. It can know an outline and word of mouth information by immediately changing to a detailed page, facebook, and twitter of each movie.(This is a demonstration video, and no service actually done. ) 
    7b6a689a.png 9bded56f.png

    ---In the supermarket and the one bar
    HEINZ of tomato ketchup. The one that recipe and video are seen when camera of smart phone is held up in label on a bottle. It can enjoy oneself over the dish with the store at home. 
    f092fcf8.png e8fc4182.png

    ---In the town
    The person, the character, and the living thing that doesn't exist there appear when a smart phone is held up in the building, the house, scenery, and the signboard in the town. Of course, the sale of the video and time can be done. Because it is possible to limit it to "The place and the image", coming to a store can be pressed. 
    街中のビルや家、景色、看板にスマートフォンをかざすと、そこには存在しない人物や、キャラクターや生物が出現する。もちろん、ビデオやタイムセールを行うことも出来る。”その場所 と その画像” と限定することも出来るので、来店へと導くことも可能。
    4f5e4ef5.png c21bc433.png

    ---When a smart phone is turned to the signboard of coffee place "Doutor" of Japan, the impressive video that Doutor prepares is played. Ex...Can use time sale.
    24fb119b.png 3654fce6.png

    ---You can enjoy the registered image of the each place by turning a smart phone to the store in the town of Chiba and Inage in Japan. 100 places are registered. 
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    ---AR is executed by the digital signage
    It is possible to recognize it even with an electronic signboard that changes the image at not paper but time. This demonstration is used to understand the image when the commodity is used by the beauty salon. 
    39bdc413.png d7fe712f.png

    ---It is possible to use it even if printed in the cloth

    ---An electronic signboard of the subway is recognized
    Do not forget choices other than Google "Project Glass" - Google "Project Glass" 以外の選択肢を忘れないように #AR #HMD HOME Auramsa use case in Japan in April, 2012 - 日本における2012年4月の#Auramsa活用事例 #AR
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