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    Etsuji Kameyama (亀山悦治)


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    Master/Mind from Francesco Paciocco on Vimeo.

    The human brain is the most complex object in the universe. Our understanding of its inner workings has been shrouded in mystery…until now. New technologies are beginning to unlock the brain’s true potential, but at what cost to our humanity?



    Director, Producer, Editor: Francesco Paciocco http://francescopaciocco.com, https://twitter.com/fpaciocco
    Cinematography: Will Atherton http://www.willathertonfilms.com, Megan Jolly http://www.meganjolly.com, Francesco Paciocco
    Music: Luke Atencio http://lukeatencio.com, Marmoset https://www.marmosetmusic.com, Tracey Chattaway http://www.traceychattaway.com, Steven Gutheinz http://www.stevengutheinz.com
    Sound Design & Mixing: Jeff Seelye http://digitaudio.com
    Colorist: Sam Gursky http://irvingharvey.com
    Artwork: Greg Dunn http://www.gregadunn.com, photographed by Will Drinker http://willdrinker.com 

    義手というと、何か大袈裟な古い装置を想像してしまうと思うが、ここで紹介するKieran's Handは、まるで未来の映画に出てくるような子供達が好みそうなデザインと機能を持っている。このような取組はとても素晴らしいと思う。

    Kieran's Hand from Pier 9 on Vimeo.

    For more info visit www.enablingthefuture.org
    Donate here - enablecommunityfoundation.org/donate

    Check out Autodesk's Pier 9 Workshop - https://vimeo.com/127666944

    Film by Charlie Nordstrom

    See how the hand was made here - http://www.instructables.com/id/Assembly-of-e-NABLEs-Raptor-Reloaded-Hand/


    Touchable Universe from Anarkik3D on Vimeo.

    Haptics is the sensation of virtual touch. In 2008, with a SMART Award, Anarkik3D developed a prototype platform to facilitate the integration of 3D haptic technology into software programmes. The potential for developing and expanding the platform to enable developers to combine haptics with the API's of other software and hardware such the sensations of sound, stereovision, virtual and augmented reality, physics as effects such as collision and magnetism has been exciting and alluring, requiring the right team, expertise and funding to first of all assess feasibility and market appeal and to then develop it properly and thoroughly.
    In 2014 this came together with the opportunity to submit a proposal to Innovate UK for funding for feasibility projects in their Learning Technologies competition. In a collaboration with 2 other owners of micro businesses that Ann Marie Shillito brought together Anarkik3D put in a bid for Stage 1 funding and was successful. The project was completed in April this year and this video was made for our end of project presentation with footage from when we tested the appeal of haptics and VR with school children and teachers.
    Anarkik3D was then invited to submit a proposal for stage 2 funding to take the results of the feasibility project and develop A-Frame to beta stage, proving its capability by using it to build 2 hapticated learning programmes and rigorously testing them in schools under exam conditions. With the original collaboration team expanded to 4 (2 in Edinburgh, one in Fife and one in Staffordshire) we submitted a bid for Stage 2 Funding. New 1 year projects start on November 1st 2015 .


    Marriott Virtual Reality from Teresa Lo on Vimeo.

    先日、サムスンとオキュラス・リフトの製品であるGearVR が$99で販売されることになったとネット上で話題となった。




    ParkTower GearVR Experience from studio216 on Vimeo.

    Developers The John Buck Company and Golub & Company are helping prospective tenants visualize their San Francisco ground-up office development long before ground-breaking by leveraging emerging technology. In this video, see how a Gear VR virtual reality tour allows the viewer to experience the office space and sky decks in a way previously impossible. A high-impact, fully immersive experience is aligned with the leading-edge technology and design Park Tower will employ. For the first time, the preview of the un-built environment is as remarkable as the project itself.

    拡張現実(AR)ぬりえといえば、世界的にはQuiver(元colMix)、日本ではナレッジワークス株式会社が開発したdaub(ARぬりえ ぬってポン!だーぶ)が有名だ。今回、ディズニーの研究部門Disney Researchが塗った色をリアルタイムに3DCGに反映するARぬりえを2015年10月初めに発表した。




    Link to publication page: http://www.disneyresearch.com/publica...

    Coloring books capture the imagination of children and provide them with one of their earliest opportunities for creative expression. However, given the proliferation and popularity of digital devices, real-world activities like coloring can seem unexciting, and children become less engaged in them. Augmented reality holds unique potential to impact this situation by providing a bridge between real-world activities and digital enhancements. In this paper, we present an augmented reality coloring book App in which children color characters in a printed coloring book and inspect their work using a mobile device.

    The drawing is detected and tracked, and the video stream is augmented with an animated 3-D version of the character that is textured according to the child’s coloring. This is possible thanks to several novel technical contributions. We present a texturing process that applies the captured texture from a 2-D colored drawing to both the visible and occluded regions of a 3-D character in real time. We develop a deformable surface tracking method designed for colored drawings that uses a new outlier rejection algorithm for real-time tracking and surface deformation recovery. We present a content creation pipeline to efficiently create the 2-D and 3-D content. And, finally, we validate our work with two user studies that examine the quality of our texturing algorithm and the overall App experience.

    (via http://www.disneyresearch.com/)
    世界最大級の拡張現実イベントAWE(Augmented Reality EXPO)がいよいよ中国で開催される(2015/10/17-18)。アジア圏でここまで大掛かりなARイベントの開催は久しぶり(もしかしたら初めて)かもしれない。

    ARに関わる208人のスピーカー、102人の出品者、約3000人の専門家が集まる。AR SDKの Vuforia を提供するクアルコム、インテル、Google、エプソン、ソニー、Unity3D、ツァイス、HP、Wikitude、DAQRI、Blippar、ARToolkit、ZAPPAR、zugara、CATCHOOM 、Autodesk、ボッシュ、GE、ボーイング、SAP、ジャガー、ランドローバー、ホンダなど、エンターテイメント系からインダストリー系のARに関わる企業が出展する。

    ---ABOUT AWE---
    AWE, the world’s largest event for Augmented Reality is dedicated to exploring technologies that empower people to be better at anything they do in work and life. The 6th AWE in Silicon Valley brought together 208 industry leading speakers, 102 exhibitors, and nearly 3000 professionals. Fortune 1000 companies such as Qualcomm, Intel, Google, Epson, Sony, Unity3D, Zeiss, HP, Autodesk, Bosch, GE, Boeing, SAP, Jaguar-Land Rover, Honda – and many ingenious startups showcased their Augmented Reality products and solutions, which are truly bringing superpowers to the people.

    (Official site http://www.aweasia.com)
    iPadにDulux Visualizer Appをインストールして、カメラを壁に向けると...なんと同一食の壁のエリアだけ色変を試すことができる。壁や床などのペンキの色を決めるときに簡単に使えるから便りそう。

    How to use the Dulux Visualizer app from Dulux South Africa on Vimeo.

    The new Dulux Visualizer App: Finding your colour has never been so easy.

    Disclaimer: Please note that these help videos are based on the UK Dulux Visualizer app, therefore layout of the South African Dulux Visualizer app as well as product and colour ranges and collections may differ from that which is displayed in this video. Dulux South Africa does not offer the option of ordering testers.

    The new, free Dulux Visualizer App lets you pick a colour from anywhere and uses augmented reality technology to visualize Dulux colours in your home, live.

    Download the app from the links below:
    IOS: bit.ly/DuluxItunesStore
    Android: bit.ly/DuluxPlayStore


    Metaverse Makeovers from jiali on Vimeo.

    3d augmented reality nail art...what does that mean? In this video profile of Metaverse Nails, I meet the future.

    私もファンである、フランスの前衛的なシャンソン歌手ブリジット・フォンテーヌ(Brigitte Fontaine)の世界を、てっこん(Teckon)さんが拡張した。ブリジット・フォンテーヌの代表作でもある『ラジオのように/Comme À La Radio』 のARは、まさしくその世界そのものだ。残念ながらギャラリーに足を運ぶ時間がなかったが、次回あれば必ず体験したい。てっこんさんには一度会ったことがあるが、ARアプリのAURASMAの特性を良く生かした作品が得意だと感じた。ポップで前衛的なアーティストとして今後も目が離せない。




    こちらは ラジオのように...のARマーカー



    AR(拡張現実)の楽しみ方/Doodle Movie from Teckon Schneckel on Vimeo.




    そのVRは、HDのビデオで構成され、企業向けのサービスはすでに提供しているが、今日はDisruptのStartup Alley(展示会場)で消費者向けのサイトを披露した。 旅行代理店がネット化することによって旅行産業に革命が起きたが、Georamaは仮想旅行の最人気サイトになることによって、ツアーそのものをオンライン化するつもりだ。


    (via http://jp.techcrunch.com/2015/09/25/20150923georama-virtual-tours/)

    (公式サイト http://www.georama.com/)
    仮想現実の世界を、自然な腕の動作でコントロールすることができるデバイスが日本のベンチャー企業が開発中だ。VRデバイスのOculu Rift と Leap Motion という組み合わせは既知であるが、腕の自然な動作を検知することができれば、より自然な操作ができるようになるかもしれない。期待できる技術だ。

    東京大学発のベンチャー企業H2Lは、腕に巻くだけで直感的にゲームを操作でき、ゲーム内の触感を得られる技術を搭載した「触感型ゲームコントローラ UnlimitedHand」について、Kickstarterで資金調達を開始した。既に目標2万ドル(約240万円)の2倍を超える4万1900ドル(約500万円)以上を集めている。 



    (via https://fabcross.jp/news/2015/09/20150925_unlimitedhand.html)

    「ちゃんりおメーカーは、顔の輪郭や髪型、目・鼻・口、さらに洋服にアクセサリーなどを組み合わせ、自分に似せたキャラクター「ちゃんりお」を作れるサイト。作成したちゃんりおは、LINEやツイッターなどSNSのアバターとして使用できる。無料で作成できる手軽さも受け、7月10日の公開からすぐに人気に火が付いた という。

    今年度の年間の入場者は93万人(昨年度84万人)と、直近で黒字だった2007年3月期の94万人に迫る、久々の90万人台を計画している。前年比7割増という7月の快進撃が続けば、計画の達成、さらには黒字化も見えてくる。 」

    (via http://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/85402)


    ちゃんりおたちが住む街「ちゃんりおタウン」の中で、 あなたのちゃんりおが、ライブキャラクターと一緒にパレードで踊り出す! プロジェクション映像型の体験アトラクション、それが「ちゃんりおバーチャルパレード」。 最後にはちょっとしたサプライズもあるかも!? 

    (公式サイト http://chanrio.com/#/)



    Doritos - Augmented Reality Interactive Installation from Gema- Digital &Technology Agency on Vimeo.


    Sono stati i mostri! Augmented reality children's book from Camilla Zaza on Vimeo.

    "Sono stati i mostri!" it's a children's book that supports augmented reality. Augmented reality uses device's cameras in order to apply a digital level above the real one. In this way the user can read the story inside the paper book and then, using the augmented reality app, implement it.
    Thanks to this digital level the children will discover a new animated world. He will be able to interact with the characters of the story, hear sounds and see little animations through the entire story.

    VRの Oculus Rift(オキュラス・リフト) + ランナー装置 によって、上下左右360度の空間をその場で足踏みすることで移動できるようになる。まるで本当に迷路の中を走り回っているように錯覚してしまうことだろう。

    Ohsome VR Maze Montage from Ohsome Inc on Vimeo.

    The Virtual Reality Maze Challenge we worked on with Team Epic for Wells Fargo.


    UNIT9 VR Showreel 2015 from UNIT9 on Vimeo.

    ここで紹介する2Dのビデオを観るだけでも、とてもシュール。これを VRの Oculus Rift で体験したらかなりやばい世界が見えるかもしれない....(ぜひ体験してみたい!)

    Ixian Gate Trailer (2015) from Simon Ward on Vimeo.

    Ixian Gate is a new virtual reality animation created for Oculus Rift, premiering December 5th as part of the Wurm Haus exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria, Australia.

    Wurm Haus Exhibition: http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/exhibition/jess-johnson/
    Artwork: Jess Johnson / http://www.jessjohnson.org
    Animation: Simon Ward / http://www.siward.tv
    Sound: Andrew Clarke


    Tatjana Dzambazova - Recreating Reality from Future Of StoryTelling on Vimeo.

    Future of Storytelling Speaker: Tatjana Dzambazova
    Technology Whisperer, Autodesk
    apply to attend: www.fost.org

    As an experienced architect who moved to the digital realm, Tatjana Dzambazova sees the line between the physical and virtual ceasing to matter. Until now, the digital world has been just a flat impression of reality, but creators can now use virtual tools to experience and re-create our tactile, three-dimensional physical world. The foundation of these tools is a high-quality, 3D digital model, and with the new process of photogrammetry, a series of ordinary photos can be transformed into these models—opening up digital creation to everyone. Scientists can capture every detail of hard-to-reach locations—and resurrect objects thought lost to time. Artists can fill new worlds with any object they can find. And all of us can document our lives more fully than ever before.


    TH-232 / Newcombe, Alin, Saup & Glazov / Liverpool International Festival Of Psychedelia / Teaser from 13p on Vimeo.

    Anton Newcombe, Li Alin, Michael Saup & Stanislav Glazov team up to present their first Virtual Reality Record Release "TH-232" at the Liverpool International Festival Of Psychedelia on 25 + 26 September 2015.

    Images: Li Alin, Anton Newcombe, Michael Saup
    Animations: Michael Saup
    Virtual Environment: Stanislav Glazov
    Teaser: Michael Saup /

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