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    Etsuji Kameyama (亀山悦治)


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    The real estate not used is revived in the AR art. Unique concept of having great benefits to to both Graffiti writer and real estate owner. 



    新しいブロジェクト EXTRUDE が始動







    Extrude from Kritwalee Seneetantikul on Vimeo.

    Augmented reality project that value graffiti street art by using AR technique to animate 2D graffiti becomes 3D in AR world. Also the concept concerns how to benefit both graffiti writers and property owners.







    Ron English PopApp - SXSW 2015 from Dusty Wright on Vimeo.

    Here's our Ron English PopApp Scavenger Hunt activation at SXSW 2015. Moreover, Ron hand painted the world's largest augmented reality target/marker at Spider House in Austin, Texas. The PopApp was created by the fine folks at FuelFX, Inc. Make no mistake AR (augmented reality) is here to stay.








    Einkaufen der Zukunft from Conrad Pfüller on Vimeo.

    Dieser Film wurde für das Modul Interaktionsdesign im Master Medienkonzeption gedreht. Inhaltlich sollte eine Interaktion zwischen Nutzer und Bedienumgebung behandelt werden. Als Prototyp ist dabei dieser kleine Film entstanden ,der das Einkaufen der Zukunft mit einer Augmented Reality Brille zeigt. Wer behält denn schon den Überblick bei den ganzen Produktinformationen und wie viel wird im Kleingedruckten verschleiert? Dem hoch-involviertem Kunden würde diese Brille sicherlich gefallen. Da stört dann vielleicht auch die Werbung nicht, denn Hightech möchte bezahlt werden.

    AWE2015で展示された、ホログラム dsXplay™ & dsXgames™ を紹介。ゲームコントローラを接続して空間を感じさせるゲームを楽しむことができる。スターウォーズの世界が見えてくる。





    AWE 2015 presents dsXplay™ & dsXgames™ First Hologaming console for Dreamoc Holographic Displays on Vimeo from Basha Media Group Inc. on Vimeo.

    Union Digital Group debut's at Augmented World Expo 2015 in Santa Clara, California to pre-launch the dsXplay™ & dsXgames™ First Hologaming console for Dreamoc Holographic Displays


    Emozioni olografiche - Holographia & Augmented Reality from RAEmpowering on Vimeo.

    La nuova fontiera del Visual Merchandising


    RENAISSANCE - 1 : Cadres from NATURE graphique on Vimeo.

    As a tribute to the golden age of Renaissance, this project based on augmented reality proposes to highlight the cultural heritage of this period, materializing the interconnection between art and technology.

    Inspired by the leading figures of Italian art of the XVth century, Cadres is the first chapter of the RENAISSANCE project. The installation consists in real time audio / video creation mapped on, inside, outside, and between multiple painting frames.
    Hommage à l'âge d'or de la Renaissance, ce projet basé sur la réalité augmentée propose de mettre en lumière l'héritage culturel de cette période, en matérialisant l'interconnexion qui existe entre arts et technologie.

    Inspiré par les figures marquantes de l'art italien du XVème siècle, Cadres est le premier volet du projet RENAISSANCE. L'installation a pour point d'ancrage une création vidéo et sonore dynamique est appliquée en temps réel sur, autour, dans, et entre plusieurs cadres de peinture.


    Graphisme, Animation & Vidéo mapping : Aurélien Lafargue
    Graphisme & Cadres : Jean Baptiste Le Boulaire
    Musique : Mourad Bennacer

    Booking : contact [at] nature-graphique.com


    Facets from Digify Inc. on Vimeo.

    Facets is your digital companion for rediscovering Philippine arts and culture. It comes with augmented reality technology that transforms Filipino digital artworks in our partner museums into immersive experiences.
    It is also your interactive and curated guide to the Filipino Masters, giving you more information about the
    artworks and the artists.


    PO-MO Demo Reel 2015 from PO-MO Inc. on Vimeo.

    PO-MO Inc. is a team of artists, developers, and engineers dedicated to pushing the boundaries on interactive and immersive technology for events, retail, and education. We believe that any experience can be augmented with interactive light and sound displays, and we have developed systems and platforms that engage audiences big and small while respecting the budgets of our clients.

    Learn more at www.po-mo.com


    WOW! Augmented Reality from Vladimir Kerekesh on Vimeo.

    Final Project of the course Technologies of Multimedia Communication - ESMAE (Escola Superior da Música e Artes do Espectáculo), developed by the students Tiago Cardoso and Volodymyr Kerekesh, in the area of Augmented Reality, with the collaboration of the street artist Oker. Sound by Ricardo Rodrigues.


    Augmented Reality Architecture Demo from Engage Works on Vimeo.


    Kelloggs Q4 Augmented Reality from thevids on Vimeo.








    Lexus - augmented reality from Las Rąk on Vimeo.

    オキュラス・リフトやハコスコタイプのAR装置は有名だ。ここで紹介するのは、玩具のマテルとグーグルが共同で開発したViewmaster (ヴューマスター)と呼ばれるAR装置。

    Mattel + Google + Viewmaster from Laundry! on Vimeo.

    A visualization of the combined efforts of both Mattel and Google to bring back the vintage and beloved viewmaster. This time around the user experience combines the google cardboard concept and technology with the more educational Mattel experience, pairing augmented reality with virtual reality accented with an elegant product design update from the brightest minds at Ideo.

    Our assignment was to visualize this new approach to a classic childhood experience.



    Havas Media has engaged with industry experts to address the future of Virtual Reality. USC's and UCLA's Transforming Hollywood conference has gathered leading academics, top content producers and new media platforms to gauge the great future and challenges of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and World Building for Immersive Experiences. Including Jon Landau, Denise Mann, Henry Jenkins.

    Experts discussed Virtual Reality with Havas at Transforming Hollywood - Part 1 - Future or Fad from 18 Los Angeles - Havas Media Gr. on Vimeo.


    This video courtesy of Hypebeast features Designworks' President, Studio Director, and Director of Industrial Design as they explain the design story for the MINI AR Vision glasses design featuring interface and product design.

    HYPEBEAST MINI Augmented Reality Vision Glasses from BMW Group Designworks on Vimeo.


    On 10th June, we the second in our 2015 #CultHosts event series.

    Nearly 200 people attended to watch our panelists discuss the digital retail. The panel included:
    - AllSaints: OJ Deady, Social Media Analyst 
    - Selfridges: Kathryn Ferguson, Resident Film Director 
    - Content Creator: Gemma Lacey
    After listening to their insights the guests then browsed through the retail environment testing out iBeacons, virtual reality, augmented reality sound, shoppable videos and wearable tech.
    A good time was had by all as our guests enjoyed the delicious Bloom Gin, Remeo Gelato and MightyBee coconut water.
    Thank you to everyone who took part and we look forward to seeing you again at the next #CultHosts event!

    #CultHosts: The Retail Revolution from CULT London on Vimeo.


    To celebrate the 375th anniversary of the University of Helsinki, students minoring in arts and skills subjects at the Department of Teacher Education engaged in integrative art education in collaboration with the Ateneum Art Museum as part of the exhibition Sibelius and the World of Art and art workshops entitled Soiva pinta (“Musical Surface”). They also celebrated the 150th anniversary of Jean Sibelius by providing children with an experiential introduction to the works of art created by the composer and his contemporaries.

    Students planned museum tours based on art education by integrating music, drama and the application of augmented reality to works of art using new technology. The tours provided groups of pre-primary and primary-school children with a drama-based experience during which they met Sibelius, a violinist and a group of Kalevala singers with five-string kanteles, and could also join in singing the Finlandia Hymn. The children engaged with new technology by using Aurasma applications on iPads to open the augmented realities associated with the works of art on display.

    Sibelius and the world of art: Experience and expression through music and imagery from Faculty of Behavioural Sciences on Vimeo.
    コーク大学が実証実験のために開発した、スマートフォン向けの アプリ "AugmenTour" 。建物の外観や部屋の内部を画像認識技術で開発されたアプリを起動しカメラをかざすと、その場所に合った内容で、ガイドが説明してくれるというもの。

    Short video demonstrating use and testing of augmented reality tour guide app "AugmenTour" created for Bachelor’s Project in Cork Institute of Technology.

    AugmenTour AR application from Linda Stecenko on Vimeo.
    セイコーエプソンが、2015年6月23日、東京都内で会見を開き同社のスマートグラス「MOVERIO」シリーズの新製品「MOVERIO Pro BT-2000」を発表した。製造、物流、建設などのさまざまな作業現場での利用に特化した業務用のスマートグラスという位置付けとなっている。2015年9月から販売を開始する。価格はオープンとのことだが、直販サイトでは36万円前後で販売されるといわれている。主にコンシューマー向けに発売されていたBT-200とは外観が似ているが、業務利用に耐えられるよう、大幅に機能や操作方法が向上したようだ。この製品は同時期に海外でも取り上げれた。

    Google wasn’t the first one to jump on the “smart eyewear” bandwagon, not by a long shot. Before Google Glass was there, Epson had already put out the Moverio BT-100. It upgraded that to the BT-200, making the pair of augmented reality (AR) glasses that we all wished Google Glass would become (we all wished in vain, of course). Now it’s adding another product to this line, not necessarily for the regular consumers – the Epson Moverio Pro BT-2000 has the industry professional firmly in mind.

    (via http://androidcommunity.com/epson-puts-out-moverio-pro-bt-2000-smart-ar-glasses-20150623/)

    Epson has unveiled a significant upgrade to its Moverio smart eyewear device with the BT-2000, following on from the BT-200 model we covered last year. Like its predecessor, the BT-2000 is focused on business use, offering a variety of augmented-reality apps for professional users.
    The integrated camera gets a bump to 5 megapixels and now includes 3D depth sensing, while its AR capabilities are boosted further with the addition of an inertial measurement unit (IMU) for more-accurate head tracking. The display has been brightened up and the unit now supports voice control even without an active Wi-Fi connection. That all should mean a clearer display for the wearer and more accurate AR capabilities. 
    The software running on the BT-2000 eyewear is based on Android, and Epson says the device is going on sale in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Japan and the U.S. this fall.

    (via http://readwrite.com/2015/06/23/epson-moverio-bt-2000-enterprise)

    ユーザーからの業務用スマートグラスを求める声に応え、BT-200をベースに工場や作業現場での利用に特化すべくさまざまな機能を強化。作業マニュアルの表示や遠隔地からの作業支援、ARを使ったナビゲーションといった利用方法を想定しているという。業務用のBT-2000では、長時間の使用や安定性を考慮し頭部全体で支えるヘッドセットタイプに改良されている。重量はバッテリーを搭載した状態で365gとのこと。グラス部分は両眼ともシースルー構造となっており、表示画像と作業視野を重ね合わせながら作業を行える。通信機能としてWi-Fi(IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n)とBluetooth 4.0に対応しており、作業者は遠隔地のオペレーターと画像、映像、テキストなどを活用したやりとりを行える。


    (via http://monoist.atmarkit.co.jp/mn/articles/1506/24/news115.html)
    トヨタ自動車は2015年6月18-21日にビッグサイトにて開催された、「東京おもちゃショー2015」において、親子で身近にクルマを楽しむブース「Camatte Vision(カマッテ ビジョン)」を出展した。 「Camatte Vision」は、親子でクルマに触れ、語り合う楽しさを一緒に体験することにより、クルマが持つ「夢・楽しさ」を伝えることを目指したブースとのこと。

    子供がコンセプトカー「Camatte はじめ」に乗って操作

    子供がカスタマイズしたクルマの走行を疑似体験 ブース内には、クルマが走る街並みを想定した「走行コースの模型」を設置。 子供がタブレット端末の画面を通して「走行コースの模型」を見ると、ARにより自分のクルマで、走行コースを走る疑似体験を提供した。 走行コースを走る自分のクルマは、「Camatte はじめ」など「Camatte」シリーズ5をベースとした救急車、パトカーなど13種類の中から子供が自分好みのタイプを選び、12色を使ってカスタマイズ。さらに、ブースで撮影した写真を使って、親子が乗車しているように表示されたという。

    「Camatte はじめ」をベースとした「救急車」

    「Camatte そら」をベースとした「パトカー」

    (via http://newsroom.toyota.co.jp/en/detail/8227488)
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