このブログは、拡張現実 及び 仮想現実 が使用された最新の情報と事例などを掲載しています。---This blog publishes latest information and the case where AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) are used, etc.
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    Etsuji Kameyama (亀山悦治)


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    Vancouver’s Recon Instruments has announced a partnership to integrate SAP’s augmented reality (AR) mobile apps into its virtual reality eyewear.
    This is immediately following news from Recon Instruments that its Jet eyewear is almost ready to ship from its factory in San Jose, California and will begin arriving in customer’s hands circa April 16.
    The Jet includes a 1 Ghz dual core microprocessor, a 9-axis sensor suite, an on-board HD camera with Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy, ANT+ and Wi-fi communication protocols.

    (via http://www.cantechletter.com/2015/03/vancouvers-recon-instruments-integrates-saps-augmented-reality-apps-into-smartglasses/)

    Impression Pi Kickstarter Video

    Impression Pi, a virtual and augmented reality (VR & AR) headset, debuted last week on Kickstarter in concurrence with International Pi Day and quickly surpassed its $78,000 goal. As of March 25, Impression Pi has raised $128,225.
    “We really put our heart and soul into developing Impression Pi,” said CEO and co-founder Anli He. “We hope that, through virtual reality, people will experience things they never thought possible. Seeing my 70- year- old father use Impression Pi and virtually walk the moon was honestly the most rewarding experience of my career- it made all of this hard work worth it.”

    (article http://www.prweb.com/releases/ImpressionPi/VirtualReality/prweb12611132.htm)
    化粧をARで試す! 化粧品のロレアルが拡張現実で試すことができるアプリを公開

    L’Oreal Paris has launched an augmented reality makeup mirror, Makeup Genius, using advanced facial mapping technology to allow users to virtually try on various products and looks on their mobile or tablet.
    L’Oreal Paris want its products to be more accessible through this new app by providing an innovative try before you buy solution. The app, available on Apple and Android devices, allows users to scan a L’Oreal Paris product or advertisement to detect a colour match, virtually try on individual products, or test out entire looks from L’Oreal’s expert makeup artists. The app also gives users the option of sharing looks to Facebook.

    “At L’Oréal, our ambition is to offer beauty for all. To meet the diversity of the Australian consumer needs, we are offering scientific expertise from our extensive range of products to add value to our consumer’s digitally connected lives,” said Eymery.
    The app also offers an E-commerce service to buy L’Oreal Paris products, but this function is not yet supported in Australia.

    (via https://www.marketingmag.com.au/news-c/loreal-launches-virtual-reality-makeup-mirror-app-allowing-customers-virtually-test-products/)
    HP の Aurasma の利用はまだまだ拡張を続けているという記事

    "The FINANCIAL -- HP Software on March 16 announced from SXSW that its one of the industry-leading augmented reality (AR) platforms, Aurasma, has surpassed 100,000 global customers. Aurasma, a proprietary platform, has added to its patent list with its latest U.S. patent, which uses geolocation to deliver targeted augmented reality experiences.
    There has been significant momentum in the AR market over the past 18 months as the demand for enhanced user experiences continues to grow at a rapid pace. According to the research firm Tractica (tractica), mobile gaming as well as retail, information, education, marketing and industrial AR apps will create a market of $1.6 billion for mobile AR apps by 2019.1
    The Aurasma business continues to drive torrid growth itself, with more than 60,000 new customers in the past 12 months totaling over 100,000 customers world-wide. Customers in over 100 countries are now using Aurasma to create meaningful, engaging and powerful mobile AR campaigns that drive revenue and demonstrate innovation, according to HP."

    Forget words, Blippar app lets you search the web using your smartphone CAMERA
    Free Blippar app will be refreshed in April to allow users to use their smartphone cameras to access information online
    The long-term plan is that users will be able to use the camera on their smartphone to ‘look’ at any object, from apples to the Eiffel Tower
    At launch, they will be able to 'blipp' CDs, books, DVDs and film posters
    The service will give them access to videos, information and reviews 

    Welcome to visual search. Blippar’s new version of the app turns mobile phones into visual browsers for the physical world. This marks the beginning of a new era, revolutionizing the way we interact with the world around us. 

    (via Blippar Channel
    There is no reason why Apple does not work at all. It might be indisputable that Apple with a lot of patents comes up with the technology of the Augmentes Reality forward with the following product. The article to be going to have a presentiment of some them this week in foreign countries is open to the public. 

    "Piper Jaffray's research analyst Gene Munster weighed in today on Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL), as he believes the company has a small team of engineers exploring augmented reality applications. The analyst believes at the core, the group is likely trying to understand a wearable interface that design would ultimately make fashionable/socially acceptable. At this point, he believes that it is difficult to determine if or when these experiments might yield a product."

    (via Piper Jaffray Sees Augmented Reality on Apple Inc’s (AAPL) Long-Term Road Map; Reiterates Overweight Rating on the Stock )

    "Apple is secretly exploring augmented reality technology with a small team of experts brainstorming the project, Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster said, citing people familiar with the event. The news comes as scientist Astro Teller admitted that Google has failed with the Google Glass in terms of the Google Glass Explorer program.
    Augmented Reality
    In an investors note released by Munster on March 18, he said he was able to speak with people who knew Apple is looking into developing a wearable device that employs augmented reality. With the information at hand, Munster believed any device that will be developed “has the potential to be as profound a technology platform as the smartphone today.”

    (via New Apple Product May Be A ‘Google Glass’ )

    With a wide range of rumors making rounds of late about tech giant Apple seemingly working on several new projects, Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster has recently speculated that one of Apple’s rumored-to-be-underway projects pertains to the augmented reality (AR) arena.
    According to Munster, the scope of the AR project which Apple is probably working on could quite similar to the scope of Microsoft’s HoloLens technology.
    (via Analyst: Apple is exploring augmented reality space )

    Apple might enter the field of the enhancing reality in full scale slowly. Of course, you should have worked on close up to now. It is clear to put the following commodity that makes the best use of the product of one's study naturally on the market if Apple Watch is put on the market. 
    The personal computer feels products of other Apple give the world the impact because it renews though of course it. It was brought together a little. 

    1. Device that takes delight in music:
    IPod series corresponding to WalkMan of Sony

    2. Device that is called:
    IPhone series of power to replace device of mobile all over the world, faction that can call. It is Android device of Google that did not permit this. 

    3. Device that manages information:
    There are products named Personal Digital Assistant(Personal Data Assistance) that is called PDA. The famous one is Palm and Newton. It was a management terminal that Black Berry was able to call excluding Japan. And, Zaurus (Zaurus) etc. might be famous in Japan. It is felt that these become the flows that replace iPhone and iPad. Of course, it might replace Android. 

    4. Device that can take photograph and animation;
    The camera and the video camera are the centers in front of around. It is felt that it becomes a flow that replaces iPhone and iPad. Of course, it might replace Android. 

    5. Wristwatch:
    The clock also is replacing a smart phone and a smart watch. The person who does not do the wristwatch either has increased. At present, the wristwatch product of the Android system does not seem to have succeeded. Apple Watch will become it very. I think that it takes while it is a few though it is thought that the Android system sells until general people come to use it. 
    Alarm clock:
    It has come to be able to substitute the alarm clock very much with a smart phone. The function to repeat even times how many is power to surpass the alarm clock. 

    6. Head mounted display (HMD):
    It exists considerably for a long time in the military application. Apple is expected to enter slowly though there are recently a lot of HMD of a technological base of Android. It is expected also in AR and the VR field to say nothing of the location information. 

    --- Japanese ---
    Apple は、そろそろ拡張現実の分野へ本格的に参入するのかもしれない。もちろん、今まで密かに取り組んでいたことは間違いないだろう。Apple Watch が発売されれば、当然研究の成果を活かした次の商品を発売することは明らかだ。
    1. 音楽を楽しむデバイス:
    Sony の WalkMan に対応する、iPod シリーズ

    2. 電話をするデバイス:
    電話が出来る世界中のモバイル系のデバイスを置き換える勢いのiPhoneシリーズ。これを許さなかったのは、Google の Androidデバイス

    3. 情報を管理するデバイス:
    PDAと呼ばれるPersonal Digital Assistant(Personal Data Assistance)という製品群がある。有名なのは、PalmやNewton。日本以外では、Black Berryが電話も出来る管理端末でもあった。そして、日本ではZaurus(ザウルス)などが有名だろう。これらは、iPhoneやiPadに置き換わる流れになっていると感じる。もちろんAndroidにも置き換わっているだろう。

    4. 写真や動画が撮れるデバイス:

    5. 腕時計:
    時計もスマートフォンやスマートウォッチに置き換わりつつある。腕時計をしない人も多くなっている。Android系の腕時計製品は今のところ成功しているとは思えない。Apple Watchはどうなるだろう。Android系よりは売れると思うが、一般の人達が使うようになるまでは、少し時間がかかると思う。  

    6. 目覚まし時計:

    7. ヘッドマウントディスプレイ(HMD):
    It is difficult to actually try the commodity before it puts it on the market. However, it is possible to be able to solve it by using the technology of the  Augmented Reality. It becomes rugged possible to Augmented Reality by the technology of the Augmented Reality the enjoyment and the manner of operation before it buys it. The state without the thing also has the report that there was an effect that the pledge rate went up by the Augmented Reality in sales of a new product of the car recently. 


    (via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sg4jXcK8yVk)
    話題のMagic Leap(マジック・リープ)の最新のデモビデオが3月19日(米国現地時間)に公開された。AR(拡張現実)のシューティングゲームのデモが注目を集めているが、このビデオを観た限りではそれほど目新しいようには見えない。人間は、目の前の仮想空間に表示される写真やタグやインデックスを感覚的に自然に操作することに慣れていない。この操作についてはとても難易が高いと思うが、それをどのように解決するのか(できるのか?)という点に期待したい。




    Unfortunately, we couldn’t make it to TED, but we wanted to share one of the things that we’d planned to share at the talk. This is a game we’re playing around the office right now (no robots were harmed in the making of this video).

    (via Magic Leap)


    exhibition opening of Judit Navratil 2015. 03. 11. Gallery Inda, Budapest HU video by Zsuzsanna Simon

    (via Judit Navratil)
    Audi UK と SOMO が AR と VR の技術を使用したA3 e-tron のプロモーションを実施した。iPadには画像認識タイプのARアプリをインストールして、エンジン や e-tron の仕組みを可視化。室内からの様子は、オキュラスリフトでVR体験を提供した。



    Audi UK and Somo developed a ground-breaking product launch event to raise awareness and excitement for the launch of the brand new A3 Sportback e-tron. The experience centre creatively showcased the first plug-in hybrid car and drew more than 7500 people in over the course of 4 weeks to educate them on how easy it is to drive and charge the car through the use of various mobile applications and technologies.

    (via Somo Global)

    Augmented Reality, also known as AR is finding its way into all of our mobile devices, is it a gimmick or a useful piece of technology? Matt Ramirez is a developer at JISC, the charity championing digital tech in UK education and research.

    Computer Science at Pixar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NzTAa... 
    Professor Steve Furber on the BBC Micro: COMING SOON! Subscribe for Updates
    Colourspace & digital images: COMING SOON! Subscribe for Updates
    Virtual Reality Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=... 

    (via Computerphile)



    MANOR - ManorPlus App - Augmented Reality.

    Mehr erleben und profitieren / Plus de découvertes et d’avantages / Più possibilità e vantaggi

    Download: www.manor.ch/de/u/manor-apps

    Google’s  Niantic Labs, known for its widely-popular augmented reality game Ingress, announced its partnership  its partnership last year with author James Frey, creator of the Endgame universe. We’re now seeing something big come out of that partnership, as Niantic Labs has just unveiled plans for its next location-based mobile game, entitled Endgame: Proving Ground. The game will give players the chance to compete in the alternate-reality battle for humanity in the popular Endgame universe.

    (via http://www.androidauthority.com/niantic-labs-announces-endgame-proving-ground-594743/)
    3Dスキャンや認識が可能な、Google の Project Tango。新しいデモビデオが公開されていたので紹介する。 ビデオで観る限りでは、とてもスムースに情報を表示している。ゲーム目的だけではなく、ビジネス分野でも十分活用できそうだ。

    Real-time Meshing In Unity w/ Physics

    AR-Overlay Indoor Navigation

    More coverage: http://bit.ly/1N0szD7 - We take a look at some really cool apps and games currently in development for Google's Project Tango 3D mapping, augmented reality and VR-capable tablet, powered by NVIDIA's Tegra K1 processor

    (via HotHardware )



    Miyagi Nogyo High School to Hold an Augmented Reality Tour for Natori City, Miyagi, Japan – One of the Most Tsunami-Stricken Areas — The Idea That Won the Grand Prize in the Kanko Koshien Tourism Award Has Come True

    NATORI, Japan– Miyagi Nogyo High School (Miyagi Agricultural High School) has been developing an AR glasses project along with dmp Inc., for the NATORI AR HOPE TOUR which is to learn how Natori city, in Miyagi, Japan, was affected by the tsunami of the Great East Japan Earthquake. For the official service starting in the 2015 fiscal year, Miyagi Nogyo High School will hold a tour on Sunday, 15 March 2015, for guests of the Asia Resilience Forum, one of the public forums of the UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction held in Sendai, Miyagi, Japan.

    Overview of the NATORI AR HOPE TOUR
    The Concept of this project is providing an experience of the past, present, and future of Natori city through Augmented Reality (AR). The tour shows not only the tragedy of the disaster but also the hope that the local youngsters hold for the future.
    Visitors are able to vividly experience their tour in the tsunami-stricken area through the AR content whilst guides called Kataribe, firsthand storytellers, provide interpretation.

    The AR content features:
    -A display of information that links to interpretations of Kataribe
    -The scenery of Mt. Hiyori before and after the disaster
    -A picture of an imaginary cherry tree in full bloom by the Teizan Canal in the future

    Miyagi Nogyo High School
    Headteacher: Eichi Sasaki
    1 Aza-higashi-kongoji, Takadategawa, Natori City, Miyagi, 9811243 JAPAN
    dmp Inc.
    CEO: Atsunobu Kobayashi
    8th fl., Sendai Chuo Bldg.
    2-8-18, Ichibancho, Aoba-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi, Japan
    (via http://gisuser.com/2015/03/augmented-reality-tour-for-natori-city-miyagi-japan-one-of-the-most-tsunami-stricken-areas/)

    La compañía japonesa mostró en el Mobile World Congress su concepto de realidad aumentada. Se trata de un casco que ayudaría a los trabajadores en tareas específicas y que cuenta con un módulo con pantalla y cámara, y se complementa con un brazalete.

    (via Paréntesis.com)

    La experiencia 360 que ofrece HTC Re Vive con Steam fue uno de los avances tecnológicos más impresionantes presentados durante el Mobile World Congress, sus 70 sensores y controles para las manos te permiten desplazarte en una habitación con una precisión de movimiento que realmente te llevan a otra dimensión. Visita Eventos MWC 2015: http://www.parentesis.com/mwc

    (via Paréntesis.com)

    A market research company may seem an unusual candidate for changing the world, but that’s exactly what David Sackman’s firm intends to do. His vision: to take virtual reality technology that has been used to help sell more washing powder, and apply it to solve worldwide problems of human behaviour: equality, empowerment, health, psychological well-being and the environment.

    David Sackman is the CEO of Lieberman Research Worldwide® (LRW), one of the largest independently owned, custom, market research firms in the world, and the visionary behind AppliedVR®, the Virtual Reality company that has attracted the participation of the world’s leading authorities on the subject.

    David honed his market strategy and new product development expertise over 30 years of first-hand experience in a wide-range of product categories, and applies these skills to his numerous entrepreneurial endeavors. David's ultimate goal is to use Virtual Reality to help create positive behavior change to make the world a better place.

    This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

    (via Wall Street Journal)



    (via TEMPOTEST Parà)
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