ICAROS - Active Virtual Reality from ICAROS Flight on Vimeo.
The ICAROS Active VR Experience.
copyright ICAROS GmbH 2016
Revolutionary Application Combines Neuroscience with AR/VR With Significant Implications for Retail Industry from Shikatani Lacroix on Vimeo.
Design agency Shikatani Lacroix has partnered with neuromarketing research firm True Impact to create a first-of-its-kind application combining neuroscience with augmented reality and virtual reality (AR and VR) that will revolutionize retail and packaging design.
Automotive Virtual Reality Experience from Nerdindustries on Vimeo.
Explore, experience and configure your car in a real time VR Scene.
We developed this virtual reality car configurator for an automotive company.
Works with HTC Vive and Oculus Rift as well.
The magic book from Nerdindustries on Vimeo.
Together with our client Europa-Park we created a charming and smart customer relations idea – the magic book.
This book is stuffed with a lot of tech. Users are able to connect it to their wifi network at home. If there are any news the book starts to glow in the dark. Using the VR/AR App wich we have developed as well, users are able to explore the news.
Halloween specials, birthday greetings, a new roller coaster ride or a new movie.
Magic happens in our visitors living room. Teasing them to visit us again.
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Oculus Rift - Next-generation Virtual Reality Gaming Headset 3D Monitor(US Version, Imported) 新品価格 |
3D Virtual Reality for Luxury Real Estate in NYC and NJ from LuxQue on Vimeo.
By utilizing the power of the Oculus RIft, we develop photo realistic 3D virtual tours of homes before ground is ever broken. Prospective buyers can now walk through the home before it ever exists. Experience the interior finishes and get a true perspective of how it will be once construction is complete. To learn more about this project be sure to visit: http://285ogdenave.com/
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HTC Vive - Next-generation Virtual Reality Gaming Headset 3D Monitor (US Version, Imported) 新品価格 |
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Galaxy Gear VR S6/S6 edge/S7 edge対応 SM-R322NZWAXJP 【Galaxy純正 国内正規品】 新品価格 |
Slave Market Museum from byAR Augment Your Reality on Vimeo.
Slave Market museum with augmented and virtual reality experiences.
Digital concept developed by byAR (www.byar.pt) to the Municipality of Lagos, in partnership with the P-06 Atelier (www.p-06-atelier.pt) and Expocena.
Unwritten Return Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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Oculus Rift - Next-generation Virtual Reality Gaming Headset 3D Monitor(US Version, Imported) 新品価格 |
Virtual Reality of Human Anatomy from A101 on Vimeo.
Technologies like VR and AR are useful for education. To lean about Human Anatomy A101 developed a virtual lab to take students in the human body and to a microscopic level.
EXOPLANET | Alived pictures from Hello Computer on Vimeo.
«Экзопланета – это интерактивная инсталляция студии Hello Computer . Мы создали фантастический космический лес затерянной Экзопланеты – газового гиганта, такого далекого от Земли и такого близкого по духу землянам. Ультраяркая, наполненная диковинными растениями и существами 12ти-метровая проекция – настоящий космический рай – мгновенно вызывает резкий скачок эндорфинов! Но самое интересное ждет вас дальше. Гости могут создать собственного космического питомца и поселить его в космических джунглях таинственной Экзопланеты. Для этого у нас есть раскраски и маркеры. Раскрасьте на листе бумаги тигренка, бабочку, жука или монстра, положите лист на сканер и немного подождите – о, чудо! малыш оживет прямо на экране планшета. Теперь простым нажатием нужно отправить его в виртуальный мир огромной проекции! Он захлопает крыльями, почешет за ухом, потрется носом о неоновый цветок и заживет по своим законам природы и породы, ведь написанный для него алгоритм дает ему полную свободу. Наслаждайтесь! А то когда ещё окажетесь на Пандоре :)
Специально для интерактивной выставки "Космо-станция Sолярис"
Москва, Artplay, весна-лето 2016
Idea&Production by Hello Computer
idoga スマホVRゲームHMD 仮想眼鏡 HOMiDO 360VRスコープ [並行輸入品] 新品価格 |
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Telmu 3D VR ケース 3D VRメガネ iPhoneケース一体型 ゲーム/映画体験 超3D映像効果 折りたたみ式 携帯便利 iPhone6/6s専用 4.7インチ対応 スマホケース 新品価格 |
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(テポインー)Tepoinn・ 3D VRメガネ 超3D映像効果 3.5- 5.5インチのスマートフォンに適用 新品価格 |
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Peronio Pop-up Book - LAUNCH from renato klieger on Vimeo.
Neuropsyhomotric Clinical Rehabilitation Medical Center for Children “Dr.N. Robănescu” from BTSBIOENGINEERING on Vimeo.
We are delighted to share this short video that introduces the Neuropsyhomotric Clinical Rehabilitation Center for Children of Bucharest, Romania. The center has a Movement Analysis lab installed in 2014 and a BTS NIRVANA system for the neuromotor rehab based on multisensorial stimulation and immersive virtual reality, installed in 2015. BTS NIRVANA is increasingly used for the treatment of adults and children for its motivational and ludic approach , and the richness of audiovisual feedback.
For further information on the center read here the news: http://goo.gl/SnKkS1
Virtual Reality can be used for many purposes but to bring the world to the rooms of aged care residents that can no longer explore it, is a beautiful thing. We are proud to release Solis, and aim to change the lives of aged care residents across the world. Although not the first use of virtual reality within Aged Care, Solis is the first of its kind for many ways: a hands free application that interacts with the web to make it a dynamic, ongoing experience.(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKM7A5cjguY)
(via https://www.vrfocus.com/2016/05/nbc-sports-and-nextvr-to-present-2016-kentucky-derby-live-in-vr/)
It’s be en a week of announcements in regards to virtual reality (VR) content creator NextVR. So far the company has revealed a partnership with Time Inc. to distribute LIFE VR, and a collaboration with Live Nation to stream concerts and events for the firm. Today NextVR has unveiled another partnership this time with NBC Sports Group, to live-stream the Kentucky Derby in VR.
Augmented Reality Showreel from Exhibit Interactive on Vimeo.
Using Augmented Reality (AR) software we can show products and systems in an interactive way. We can use real physical objects or printed material to augment CAD, PDF and video content in a memorable way. Imagine what we can do with your product?
(テポインー)Tepoinn・ 3D VRメガネ 超3D映像効果 3.5- 5.5インチのスマートフォンに適用 新品価格 |
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STICK MAN by Octagon Studio from Octagon Studio on Vimeo.
ARt Submission for Augmented World Expo 2016 - Santa Clara.
Music credit: Niklas Aman - Stronger
Inspired by children's stories and illustrations, Octagon Studio presents you a live coloring experience. The Stick Man was created and drawn spontaneously as it came to life. Previously, we may have launched a coloring book to the market that offers augmented reality as a gimmick and uses photo capture to save the colors overlaying the marker. However, the Stick Man implements real time video capture to include the ongoing coloring process above the marker. And, the advantage of live coloring is that we can draw and even erase the colors simultaneously. The Stick Man itself is called so because of the shape of its marker.
ディズニーがリアルタイムで色を反映するARぬりえを公開 - Live Texturing of Augmented Reality Characters from Colored Drawings